Chapter 19: "Home Sweet Home"

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As we made our way home, I spoke up to him. "Hey, you know what? We don't have to click right away. Rome wasn't built in a day, after all. Just small steps."

Cas glanced at me, his expression puzzled. "I'm aware it took 1,229 years to construct Rome, from its inception to its fall. I fail to see the relevance..."

It dawned on me that I had to break things down for him like talking to a child. He turned his gaze away and focused on the passing scenery outside.

"You know, Joe, I'm not entirely certain about you," Cas mused.

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "What do you mean?"

He hesitated before continuing. "I'm conflicted. At times, you come across as pleasant company, but other moments, you manage to make me feel rather... uneasy."

I leaned back, a playful grin forming. "Ah, but Cas, isn't it the demons within me that add to my charm? The very ones that possess me."
I chuckled. "You know, Cas, once you loosen up a bit, you might realize that my jests are harmless and meant in good fun."

"Θνητός γεγονώς άνθρωπε, μη φρόνει μέγα." Cas retorted. *(Since you were born a mortal man, don't think too much of yourself.)*

"Hey, what was that you just said?" I arched an eyebrow.

"It's ancient Greek." Cas replied casually.

I grinned, intrigued. "Oh, and what does it mean?"

Cas leaned in, his expression quizzical. "Joe, are you feeling a bit lost here? How's that sinking in for you?"

I remained silent, absorbing his words. I got his point, and while it wasn't a pleasant realization, my nature wasn't something I could change. Still maybe I could elaborate a bit more. Oddly enough, his little tease only fueled a desire within me to playfully return the favor later on. It wasn't a competition, but sometimes I can't resist the urge. I suppose I'm not all that mature, after all.

Yet, my focus shifted; my priorities were different. Making sure he felt at ease and setting things right were my main concerns.

We got back to the house, and with a flourish, I swung the door open. "Mi casa su casa," I said, throwing in a cheeky grin. See, I've got this quirk -I'm a bit compulsive. Everything here has its own spot, and trust me, it's all squeaky clean and in perfect order.

He stepped in, a hint of hesitation in his movements, and lingered near the door.

"Castiel?" I called.

He looked over, his eyes meeting mine. "Yeah?"

"Here's the thing. The house has only one bedroom, but since you're my guest, I want you to have it."

"Angels don't need to sleep," he replied matter-of-factly.

"Well even if you don't feel the need to sleep, a little privacy might be nice," I suggested.

He gave me a small, appreciative smile. "That's considerate, but I don't want to be a burden."

I shook my head. "Nah, you're good." Taking his bag, I headed to the bedroom, depositing it inside. Returning to the living room, I noticed Castiel hadn't budged from his spot by the door.

"You mind making yourself at home on the couch? It's a whole lot comfier," I invited, motioning toward the sofa.

"Sure," he replied, settling onto the sofa and gazing up at the ceiling. His discomfort was palpable, a subtle tension in the way he held himself.

I leaned forward a bit, trying to put him at ease. "So, I had this thought. How about I prepare some dinner for us? We can loosen up, maybe watch a movie. Just a laid-back evening, you know? Take it easy and unwind."

The angel I ruined. (Castiel x male reader OC |NSFW|)Where stories live. Discover now