How often have we stopped by the mirror and questioned ourselves in our eyes? For once ever did we stop trying to review our soul, a part of which still craves to be naïve? To leave behind all the toxicity and excavate a self you didn't know existed. The cheesy cliché romances you talked about, let's fall in love again, unwanting the consequences. How about jumping into those vibrant picture books, and painting the white-washed walls with every other non- synchronizing colours? Take a day off from the intolerant boss in the corporate sector only to binge watch all your much loved cartoons with repeating episodes and an equally heartfelt vibe. Vacations are damn fun, and when that vacation includes home, finally.......
~cornered feelings
An Aurora over the Skyline
PoetryPoetries soothe better than anything: and how tempting and ecstatic does your heart feel to read quotes that you could relate to? And, what about self-development, the verses that give you a sense of confidence and an essence of bliss in the stresse...