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Sorry for not updating sooner! I moved back home for the summer and it's been a little chaotic, but here's another chapter for you to enjoy :)
PD: CANT BELIEVE WE HIT 2K IN A MONTH!!!! thank y'all so much I love you sooo much ❤️❤️❤️
PDD: Don't forget to vote and comment, let me know what you think, what you'd like to see, etc 🤍


The hungover is killing me, my head feels like it weights 100 pounds and my eyelids feel like they are nailed shut. My ears are ringing from all the loud music we danced to last night -or not even last night; a couple of hours ago. I have a little bit of amnesia, there's bits and pieces of the night randomly popping in my head, but they don't make sense, it's a puzzle waiting to be put back together.

I don't know what time it is, but it's hot as hell and I'm sweating, the bedsheets of the bed don't feel like my own and how the angle of the sunlight is piercing through my eyelids I know I'm not in my bedroom. I accidentally slap someone's arm and my eyes open wide. I've never seen those tiny tattoos: the tiny daisy behind his ear and the V on his wrist.
I check under the covers to see if I'm dressed, to my surprise I still have my underwear on and an oversized Fleetwood Mac t-shirt. He on the other hand is only wearing a pair of boxers. His head is turning the other way so I still don't know who this man on my left is.
"Fuck." I murmur to myself trying not to wake him up. I don't want the uncomfortable small talk of a one night stand -if this is one.

I slowly and quietly push the sheet off my body and ardently look for my shoes in the mess of his bedroom floor. I can't find them and I am now making too much noise. I decide to leave his apartment barefoot and my anxiety is now kicking in.
"Tara?" I jump on my feet and relax once I see his face.
"Pedro?" I place a hand on my chest and laugh as I walk to the edge of the bed and sit. "What happened last night?" I blush imagining what could've happened.
"You really don't remember?" I shake my head. "Well, one of your exes showed up and you were too drunk to know what you wanted, I tried to take you home, but you couldn't tell me your address so I took you here."
"Did we...?" I can't finish the sentence. I'm already dying of embarrassment.
"God, no." I'm relieved, but also disappointed in the way he says we didn't do anything, not like I wanted to, but still.
"I didn't mean it like that." He caught my disappointment.
"God, me neither." I laugh, trying to hide all of my emotions. "Anyways, I think I better get going." I spot my shoes on his side of the bed.
I hunch to grab my platform black heels, he is looking at me and I can feel his breath hit the back of my ear. He smells so good, I feel self-conscious about my own body odor, probably I reek of alcohol and cigarettes. I quickly pull back and stand up tripping on my own feet.
"Are you okay?" He jumps out of bed and helps me get back up.

He looks amazing, he has the perfect dad-bod, his hands are soft and rough, I wonder what they would feel wrapped around my neck and waist, holding me down on the bed...What the fuck am I talking about? He's just a friend. He is such a gentleman, very chivalrous and handsome.
He grabs my hand and lifts me up also holding my elbow with his other hand.
"Thanks." I dust off the shirt I can only asume it's his. "I guess this is yours." I start to lift up the shirt and he piled it down.
"Keep it." He laughs and I laugh awkwardly with him. "Are you sure you're okay?" I nod adamantly. "There's a car outside for you, let me know when your home safe." He kisses my cheek and we both blush.
"Thanks, P."
"No worries, princesa."

I look around the streets of downtown LA, trying to spot any paparazzi before they spot me leaving a hotel as I am wearing a man's shirt and no pants. The perfect walk-of-shame outfit. There is a black van parked in the front door and a man in a suit; he waved at me and calls my name, I must assume it's Pedro's car so I get in. The man drives up
my street and pulls right in front of my house, before I get off he hands me a note with my name on it.
"Thanks." I smile to the kind man.


Where did you go last night?
I thought we were gonna hang.

Tara Dean Morgan
Who are you?

How many times do we have
to do this, Tare?

Tara Dean Morgan
And how many times do I
have to block your numbers?

Nick Addams
C'mon we were having so
much fun last night!

Tara Dean Morgan
Who invited you anyways?

Nick Addams
You did...
You texted me at 2 am
begging me to go, so I did
We had fun.

Tara Dean Morgan
It was a mistake.
Leave me alone.

Nick Addams
You know I can't I love you,
we love each other.
You're good to me, please
give me another chance, I've

Nick Addams
I mean it, Tare. I got help.
One more chance.

Nick Addams
I made reservations for
tonight in Maude at 7.
I'll be there, and I hope you'll
be too ❤️
seen 12:43 pm

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