1 - Pilot

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Book: Forbes Twins
Chapter 1: Pilot

No One's Pov

Rosalie, Caroline, and Bonnie had spent the night at Elena's house. They knew Elena needed a girls night, since she's been going through things. And it was the first day of school the next day and they wanted to spend the last day of summer together. Since Caroline was Elena's bestfriend, she slept in her bed. Bonnie was Rosalie's bestfriend, so they slept in sleeping bags on the floor.

Elena didn't really like Rosalie that much but she tolerated her and the feeling was the same for Rosalie as well. So when Caroline spent the night, Elena knew Rosalie would come too. Caroline and Rosalie do basically everything together.

When the next day came, Rosalie was up first. She was sitting on Elena's window seat writing in her journal before getting dressed for school.

Dear Journal,

Hey it's me, so I'm here. I'm at Elena's house. Even though she is annoying I tolerate her for Caroline's sake. Elena's parents died. She's going through things so I'm trying my best to let her grieve even though it's been three months. I know she is a good person but sometimes she can be so self centered. Anyways ta ta for now.

- Rose

Once Rosalie got done, she pulled out her clothes from her bag, she went to go get a shower, it was still early so she let the others sleep in. After she got out and got dressed, she woke everyone else up. Of course, Bonnie and Caroline, still was asleep. So Rosalie waited a few more minutes. If it was Elena who didn't get up, Rosalie would've poured a bucket of water on her.

When Elena got up, she got in the shower next, after getting dressed, she wrote in her own journal, sitting where Rosalie sat before.

Dear Diary,

Today has to be different, it just has to be. Even though it's been a few months, I'm still not over my parent's death, not just mine, Jeremy lost them too. Jenna lost her sister. Mom and Jenna wasn't close, but they were still family.

Jeremy hasn't been himself since the accident. He's on drugs, he's doing bad things. I fear for him, but I can't interfere because I can't lose him either.

My best friend Caroline spent the night. Of course, I invited Bonnie. She is also my friend. But one person I didn't want to come, had too. She's Caroline's twin sister and she is annoying. I don't like her at all. Rosalie, that's her name. She isn't exactly my favorite person, but she is Bonnie's best friend and Caroline's sister so I have to tolerate her for the sake of them.

I will smile and my smile, it will be believable. It will say: 'I'm fine, thank you. Yes, I feel much better.' I won't be the sad little girl who lost her parents back in May no longer. I'm going to start a fresh new life, I think that's what my parents would have wanted. I know this is the only way I'll make it through life.

- Lena

Then Bonnie got up, Caroline was last to get up. Once they took showers and got ready, they all headed for downstairs.

When they got downstairs, they seen Jenna with a breakfast prepared for all four of the girls, plus Jeremy. "Good morning girls, I fixed y'all breakfast. I have a presentation to get to, so I will see you guys later. One last thing." For this Jenna went over to Rosalie to whisper something in her ear. "Will you watch over Jeremy today? Please?" Rosalie then nodded while taking a bite of her toast. Jenna knows that they are together, but Rosalie swore her to secrecy.

After Elena called a few times for Jeremy, he finally came down. He grabbed a cup a coffee and was leaving for school before Rosalie stopped him.

Caroline, Bonnie, and Elena went upstairs to get the rest of their things. Rosalie brought hers down to the living room. They all left because Rosalie wanted to talk to Jeremy alone about Vicki... which was her cover story.

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