2 - The Night of the Comet

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Book: Forbes Twins
Chapter 2: The Night of the Comet

Rosalie's Pov

Dear Journal,

Tonight is the Night of The Comet. Caroline is going with Bonnie, I'm going with Jeremy, and Elena is going with Stefan. We sorted out the details yesterday. Of course, Elena got mad when she found out Jeremy asked me. She knows about us, but I don't care because I love him.

Elena and I are still fighting, she's mad at me for who knows what. She's never liked me and to be honest, I don't like her either. Maybe I like her a little bit though, when she's not being all dull and boring.

Anyways, Vicki is in the hospital. An animal attacked her. At least that is that is what the hospital is telling people. I think it was something else. Something mysterious.

I have to go to school now, so I guess I'll talk later.

- Rose

I called Jeremy on my way out. The phone rang three times before he picked it up.

"Hey baby."

"Hey handsome, I was wondering if you wanted to ride to school together?"

"I'm heading to the hospital to check on Vicki. Do you want to come with me? I'll wait on you outside your house."

"Sure, but we do have to get to school also. I don't want to push you though."

"We will, once we check on her. I promise."

"Ok, I'll meet you outside."

I hung up the phone and finished gathering all of my things to meet Jeremy outside. As said, he was waiting. We drove to the hospital and checked on her. The lady said, visiting hours didn't start until 9am, so she told us to come back later. I stopped her on her way out.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"She lost a lot of blood, now you guys have to leave. I'm sorry, you can come back later." The nurse informed.

Jeremy and I got back into the car and we headed off to school.


Stefan's Pov

I wrote in my journal. I start one every ten years. I keep all of my secrets, feelings, thoughts, and more in it. It keeps me sane, it keeps me calm.

I have just woken up for the first time today, yet I feel completely and undeniably awake. Because I know that I will see her again. Elena, that's her name. She's beautiful, smart, kind. She's nothing like the girl who I've known since 1864. The girl that was ruthless, and had no feelings for anyone but herself. I know that Elena will be and is different from her. I just hope she doesn't find out what I am. If she does, I might lose her forever. And I can't.

- Stefan Salvatore


Elena's Pov

Dear Diary,

I woke up with a smile on my face. I know I'm going to see him again. He is so amazing. He brought my smile back, and I haven't seen it in a while. I miss him already.

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