5. You're Undead to Me

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Book: Forbes Twins
Chapter 5: You're Undead to Me

A/N: Here is a long for you guys. It's my apology for not uploading in a while. I'm sorry for that, btw. Hopefully, you guys like this one!
- T

Damon's POV

I woke up. I remembered Stefan bringing me down to the basement, but I don't remember when. I was carelessly laying on the floor. I looked around with my eyes to see if I could find anything, even a rat. But nothing.

I tried to move but it was no use. I was sweaty and from the vervain, I was weak, so weak and tired, but most of all... hungry. I heard the faint footsteps coming to the door. It was Stefan, he was staring at me through the little bars in the window on the cell door.

"W-here did y-you put my r-ring?" I asked, weakly. "Give it to me!"

"No, because you don't need it anymore. You'll be down here for a long time." Stefan said firmly.

"H-how long have I b-been down h-here? What are y-you doing to me?" I questioned, my words came out so weakly and they sounded like I haven't talked in years.

"Three days. Don't worry, there's more to come." Stefan explained. "You see, during the Dark Ages, when a vampire's actions threatened to expose or bring harm upon the entire race, those vampires would face judgement. They sought to... re-educate them rather than to punish them."

"Y-you know what will happen if I don't... get to feed on blood." I muttered.

"Yeah, you'll grow weaker and weaker. Then the lack of blood in your system will make you desiccate. Eventually, you won't be able to move or speak. After a week, your skin will desiccate, and you'll mummify. You'll be a living corpse. Unable to hurt anyone. Ever again." Stefan stated.

"So, what, you're just gonna leave me in the basement forever? All eternity!" I questioned.

"Not all eternity. I've injected you with enough vervain to keep you weak. When you finally do desiccate, I'll move you to the family crypt. Maybe, I'll feed you blood when Elena and Rosalie get old and finally die. But that probably won't happen, because they might want kids." I said. "I'm sorry Damon.. it didn't have to be this way.

"I'm stronger than you think!" I exclaimed.

"You always have been." Stefan replied. "But, you're not stronger than the vervain, and we both know it." Stefan left me down there, still laying on the cold hard floor.


Elena's Pov

I had just woken up. I stretched and yawned. I sat up in bed, grabbed my diary and my pen from the bedside table next to my bed. It was daylight, so there was no need for me to turn on my lamp.

I opened my diary to the first clean page. I thought about what I was going to write, but my mind became blank. I closed my diary and put it back.

I got out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom, when I opened the door, my face fell into one of shock. Vicki Donovan was standing right there. In a tank top and shorts. She was brushing her teeth.

"Oh. Elena, I'm sorry. I'm almost done, I promise." Vicki said, with toothpaste in her mouth.

"No. No, it's... um.. it's okay. Take your time, really." I replied, and walked away, still in shock.

I headed downstairs and seen Jenna sitting on a stool in the kitchen. "Jenna? Are you aware of what's going on upstairs?" I asked.

"Yep." Jenna replied.

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