6. Lost Girls

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Book: Forbes Twins
Chapter 6: Lost Girls


Stefan's Pov

I stood outside of my home, my hands behind my back. I watched as a carriage pulled to a stop in front of our home.

I seen a girl being helped out of the carriage.

She was beautiful. I seen as she looked me up and down as well.

I walked down the steps to greet her, smiling.

"You must be Miss Pierce

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"You must be Miss Pierce." I smiled at the beautiful girl.

"That would be me. But please, call me Katherine." The girl, Katherine, shook my hand and did a curtsey. She smiled at me. I nodded, my smile widening.

End of Flashback


Rosalie's Pov

"What are you?" Elena asked as she and I were stood outside of Stefan's house, waiting on his answer. "Stefan answer me! Please! What are you!?" Elena kept asking, but nothing. She got no answer.


"You already know, or you wouldn't be here. You know..." Stefan nodded, he looked like he has tears in his eyes. I felt bad for him. Elena is taking this way out of proportion.

"No, I-I don't. It's not... it's not possible. It can't be. What are you?" Elena shook her head and asked once more. This time she got an answer.

"I'm a... vampire." Stefan stated. Elena took a step back, shocked and scared.

"We... we shouldn't have come." Elena gasped. She grabbed my hand and she led me away from the boarding house.

"No. Don't go, please." Stefan started walking towards us. Elena backed away in fear. I just followed her. Elena began racing towards the car, but then he appeared in front of her.

"H-how did you... do that?" Elena mumbled. She looked from where he was first standing to where he is now.

"Please, Elena. Don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you." Stefan begged. "There are things that you have to know and understand."

"No... we have to go." Elena ran towards her car and got in.

"Sal... please." Stefan looked at me.

"I know, Stefan. But I can't do anything with her, she doesn't understand. I understood because you're my friend, and I don't know what Damon is to me right now, but I'll try to talk to her."

"Rosalie, come on!" Elena yelled. I nodded at Stefan and ran towards the car.

Elena began speeding off away from Stefan.


Elena jumped out her car and I got out. She ran up the steps and started to find her keys. She unlocked the door quickly and we ran inside. Elena ran up the stairs and into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

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