3. Friday Night Bites

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Book: Forbes Twins
Chapter 3: Friday Night Bites

Caroline's Pov

When I woke up, I was confused as to where I was but then everything came back to me. I gasped and remember what happened to my neck. There was mirror in front of the bed, so I ended up seeing the left side of my neck... all bloody and with two bite marks very, very visible under the blood. What the hell happen?!

I looked over to my right and saw it... him. Damon. He was still sleeping. He bit me!! He is a monster!

I got out of the bed as quickly and quietly as possible. My breathing was slow and quiet, and I tiptoed over to the door. I tried my absolute hardest to not make the floorboards creak with my body. I was terrified that I might wake him up. I breathed once and put my hand on the doorknob. When I turned it and slowly opened the door, it creaked.

I held my breath and turned around to see if Damon was still asleep. When I turned back around, I felt something... someone behind me, I turned around and Damon was standing there, awake. I got scared and managed to get around him, backing towards the bed.

I grabbed the first thing I could, a lamp that was on the bedside table. Damon raised up his hand to warn me. "I wouldn't if I was you." Too late.

I didn't have time to think about what he said, I was trying to stay alive.. so I hit him with it. But it only made him angrier. He came towards me.

I fell on the bed, grabbing the first pillow I could get my hands on. I threw it at him. I seen him put his nose on the pillow. It must've been the blood he was smelling from my neck, because veins began to protrude under his eyes and fangs came out of his teeth. Next thing I knew, he was coming at me, sinking his teeth into me.


Rosalie's Pov

Caroline and I went to school, I drove today. As soon as we got out, we went our separate ways. She went to go talk to her other friends, probably about some guy. I saw Elena and Bonnie get out of Bonnie's car, so I decided to go see what they were doing.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I strolled over to them.

"I was just telling Elena that I don't particularly like Stefan, I get this bad feeling everytime I'm around him." Bonnie explained.

As if on cue to his name, Stefan came and approached us. Smiling. "Hey Elena, Bonnie, Sal." He glanced at all three of us.

"I'm gonna go, um I gotta do something." Bonnie said, running off. Elena looked at me to go get her to bring her back but I shook my head.

"Sorry about that, she's my bestfriend. She doesn't just know you yet! Just give her a little time and she'll warm up to you." Elena sighed.

"Hey! she is my bestfriend, not yours!" I yelled. "Bye Stef, nice seeing you. Gilbert, get your facts straight." I walked off to find Bonnie.

"Hey B, Care." I greeted them. "What's up?"

"Nothing much, just talking about cheerleading practice, you're still coming right?" Caroline insisted.

"Of course, as long as B is. You are coming right?" I asked, nudging Bonnie, I don't go nowhere without my bestfriend or my sister, Elena is okay... I guess.

"Absolutely!" Bonnie smiled.


School again. It was boring. We had Mr Tanner, the football coach, as our teacher for history. I could hear Elena and Stefan talking, but it was so quiet I couldn't get what they were saying. When Mr Tanner had asked Elena a question and I just chuckled. She sent me a hard glare at that but she didn't answer it.

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