4. Family Ties

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Book: Forbes Twins
Chapter 4: Family Ties

Elena's Pov

I sat up in bed. It read 8:15am on my alarm clock. I yawned and stretched. I took a shower and got dressed. I headed down stairs.

I walked into the kitchen to see Jenna looking at the TV. I grabbed an apple from the bowl and sat on one of the stools at the island.

I looked at the TV as well and seen Logan Fell talking about the recent animal attacks that's been happening in Mystic Falls. I heard Jenna talking to herself, so I glanced over and gave her a look.

"Jenna? You okay?" I questioned, she looked at me and nodded. "Who are you talking to?" I took a bite out of my apple.

"That thing. Logan Fell. Or as I call him: Logan 'the scumbag' Fell." Jenna replied, still looking at me. "Have you ever thought about why I left Mystic Falls? The real reason? Did your mom or dad tell you?"

"You and him? Logan Fell!? When did this happen?" I exclaimed. Jenna looked at me. "He's cute!"

"Cute? Are you insane!? There is nothing cute about him." Jenna glared in my direction, then looked at the TV and glared at Logan. She then grabbed the remote and switched the TV off.

I grabbed a box from my rucksack and a cloth from the table, I laid all of the family heirlooms in a pile. I started cleaning them.

"What are you doing with that?" Jenna questioned.

"It's heirlooms. I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box. Mom told Mrs. Lockwood that she could loan them for the founders council to use for their heritage display." I stated, still cleaning. Jenna then picked something up.

"Is that Grandma Beth's wedding ring?" Jenna questioned, holding it in her hand.

"Originally, it was Great-Great-Grandma Mary's wedding ring." I said, cleaning the others.

Jeremy walked in and pick up another one. "How much do you think this stuff is worth, like, on eBay?" I grabbed it back from him. "You know that stuff is Mom's and Dad's right? You can't just simply give it away."

"I'm not giving it away. Its called a loan Jeremy." I said sarcastically, while rubbing the cloth on the heirloom. I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at Jeremy, then Jenna to see if they was going to get it, but they didn't. I sat down the heirloom and got up to go answer it.


I opened the door and there stood Stefan, smiling at me.

"Hi." He smiled.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him in the house. I looked around to make sure that neither Jenna nor Jeremy was coming to see who it was. I smiled and kissed him with love. "Hi."

We made our way upstairs and we started making out once we got to my room. I laid down and he got on top of me. He started to move down to my neck, but stopped for some reason. He got off of me.

I sighed and raised up. "Are you okay?" I chuckled.

"I'm good." He said. "Sorry."

"Maybe we should press pause." I stated.

"Yeah, you're probably right. That was getting a bit–." He smiled, before getting completely off of the bed.

"Hey, how do you look in a suit?"

"I can pull it off. Why?" Stefan turned around to face me.

"How about tomorrow night? Will you be my date to the Founder's Party?" I smiled at him.

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