Chapter 8

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'In this moment I'll let you hold me"

Two men stood silently in each other's embrace
unsure and anxious of what might come next but waves of excitement still hit their chest. The heat have burnt them to the highest degrees and now both of them were completely flamed.

No words shared no words parted from their lips. Only they closed the distance between their faces and the immobile lips slowly pressed onto each other. In the darkness where they could only make up each other's silhouette, their dim lit vision was their only security.

Tin leaned in closer and closer while Gun let him in, until their lips were pressed to the point they could nearly dissolve onto each other. The feeling was overwhelming. They had never felt this way. This euphoria. This courage. Huge hands softly took both of Gun's damped cheeks and caressed them softly. As gentle as he could possibly be Tin tilted his head and their lips locked ever so perfectly. With their lips still latched onto each other they both took deep breaths.

Gun's eyes tightened as he let Tin pursed his lips in between his own. He presented himself defenseless. In this moment, Gun laid down all his fears and his heart gave in to his deepest desires. The want that had turned into need had driven him to the point he couldn't protect his own sanity

Their lips clasped onto each other, locked together ever so perfectly. The sweet taste that followed drove them both to completely ecstasy. Their breaths paused for a long time, as if they were into a deep dive. So many emotions swirling the one soft touch.

Tin waited without a hitch. The sweet taste that pressed onto his lips slowly trickled down to the buds on his tongue as it slowly glided over the edges of the pink painted softness. Gun's eyes tightened at the tease, his fingers shaped onto an erratic curl as his hands gripped the shirt over Tin's chest. A long deep breath escaped his lips as his chest felt heavier and Gun didn't even have time to notice his fault.
In an instance, Tin's hotness swept inside his cavities, a firm pull onto his tongue made Gun open his eyes wide in stupor.

"Umph!" A huff escaped Tin's lips as he tirelessly sought out the sweet taste inside. A completely one sided gesture didn't daunt him off. His insistence on a reaction drove him to grip firmly onto those rosy cheeks and tilt it even further. Gun didn't resist, he didn't respond as well. He let Tin do whatever, his face completely painted wet with dripping slaver

Needless to say, Tin hadn't got enough. The sweetness he was missing onto for so many years. However his decreasing breath and excited palpitations were taking a toll on him. Slowly with one last tangled pull onto Gun's tongue he pulled out and pressed a quick peck on his lips softly

His already low on oxygen body was left breathless when he finally got to see Gun. His eyes watered with glossy tears and his lips were swollen red. So breathtakingly beautiful that Tin swallowed down to hydrate his dry throat again. A completely new light now shone upon their relationship. This has changed their minds forever. This has made them realize

A soft smile slowly edged on Tin's lips. His long fingers reached out to wipe those res lips so soft. "Do you believe it Gun? We just did that! We just kissed!" Indescribable happiness. In just moments of realization, indescribable happiness blared through his being, brimming with complete elation.

Gun was still dazed. His brain in the process of clarification. "Gun? Ai'Gun!" Tin shook him out of his trance. His heart again on pins and needles. A daunting reaction from him led to Tin's mind ransack for the worst case scenarios. Gun's silence scared him tremendously

"We-We shouldn't!" Gun spoke in complete horror. His pupils shook through his widened eyes. Glittery liquid streaming down his rosy cheeks "What have we done Tin! What have we done!" He frantically pushed away a completely devastated Tin in inconsolable sobs.

Tin was shocked, confused and terrified all the same. Gun's reaction made him go through series of emotions. However, all led to indescribable agony tightening around his chest. "Why? Why do you act like this Gun..... Do you not love me....." Tin's voice shook weak. His strength all lost as his legs shook and he bent down on both his knees. "Don't you love me Gun?"

Gun's sobs settled as Tin's head rested weakly on his palms. Tin kneeled down in front of him completely weak. As a normal habit, Gun rushed to give him comfort. As those warm arms braced it self around him, the inaudible cries escaped Tin's mouth into soft weeps. "Gun..... Tell me honestly..... Don't you love me?"

Gun stayed silent for a moment. His breath heavily landed on the back of Tin's ears. "I can't love you Tin, I can't" His words pierced through his own skin like sharp shredded glass. For Tin, it shredded right through his unshielded heart. He desperately searched Gun's back and tightened his grip so as to latch onto him. "I didn't ask if you can love me Gun." Tin whispered firmly "I asked if you love me!"

Instantly, he felt the calm shoulders shake endlessly. Gun's chest reverberated as his throat let out deep sobs. His hands clawed tightly onto Tin's shirt, searching for some air.
A small sigh of relief escaped Tin's chest. His hands pulled Gun closer to him and pressed his chin on his shoulder, his lips parallel to his ears.

"Gun..... I don't know what makes you so afraid. I don't know what makes you so hesitant. But what's deep in your heart can never be ignored and swept away. If you have some courage and put faith in me, I promise whatever it is, I will make sure it can never reach in between us" Without any interruptions, no second thoughts, Tin firmly declared in a assertive voice.

Gun silently embraced him. No words parted from those tightly pursed lips. Tin held onto those slender arms and gently caressed it. "I love you Gun." He confessed again. This time he wanted to be heard. He wanted to be felt. He wanted Gun to know all that he can show. His emotions that are directed to him. It was for him since a long time ago.

"I love you Gun" Tin declared again. A soft whimper escaped Gun in the sound of those words. His heart still clouded and uneasy. Tin allowed Gun to take his time. He needlessly comforted the man in his arms while whispering sweet words of love to his ears.

"I love you too......." slowly it escaped Gun's lips. Barely audible but Tin caught it. A wide smile now formed in his lips in victory. His heart gleefully enjoyed the melody of those words. Yet he was so divulged being tickled pink he couldn't catch up to the words that followed ".........but I'm sorry, Tin"


Hehe. I'm shamelessly back after ghosting y'all for two weeks! I'll update in bulk and disappear again. Sorry! Too busy🥲

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