Chapter 19

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                    If it's for you, I'll do it.

"This one's the invitation card for Mrs Photjanee"Without hesitation, Gun placed the card in-front of Tin. Tin silently stared at the sliver studded card with gold linings. His brows formed a crease in displeasure. Yet Gun didn't seem to notice it, or rather, he choose to ignore it "Deliver it to her please."

Everyone in the room went silent at the abrupt request. Mark and Ford who were going through the cards froze on the spot. Mr Tul who was checking the guest list had his breath in a hitch. Mrs Ratchanee who was tracing through the guest list had her fingers frozen on the same name Gun had just muttered. All their eyes nervously eyed Tin for an outburst

"What's wrong? Go! We still have a lot of guests to go through! Don't waste any more time okay!" Ever so obliviously, Gun picked up the card and shoved it in Tin's hands. He then proceeded to pull onto his statue like arms yet there was no response. In the end, Gun whined tiredly "Tin....."

As if snapped out of a trance, Tin immediately responded his whims. He stood up eyeing Gun worriedly. "What is it? Are you tired? Go rest. You're working too much!"

"No! I'm fine! I just want you to deliver this invitation okay? When you come back we will rest." Gun patted Tin's cheek with his soft hands and returned to sorting out the spread cards. Tin stared at the card for a few moment before heavily sighing. "Anything you want."

Everyone watched as Tin stealthily made his way out, holding the card in his hand. All their faces had extreme worry and nervousness. All except Gun.

"Khun Tin! You're finally back! We've missed you so much!" The housekeeper paid her respects to the young master of the house who had returned after a long time. Every other servants in the house also came to greet him in. Tin closely monitored the whole house while walking through the long familiar hall. Such a grandiose mansion. No wonder the person who owns it is just as proud.

Every step he took through the hallway was heavily counted. He hadn't been here ever since that day. That day he was too agitated and unaware. Today, he is logical and in right state of mind and so, he spares time to think.
The amount of times Gun walked this hallway alone in complete agony must've been extremely uncomfortable. Tin's heart wrenched whenever he thought of whatever might've tormented Gun every time he walked this path.

"Khun Potjanee has already been informed of your arrival. Please go in" The housemaid who was leading him politely bowed her head and retreated. When she was out of sight Tin finally took a look at the huge wooden carved door. He took a deep breath with his eyes closed. Then with a strange surge of strength he pressed the handle and opened to go inside

"I've been waiting for you." As soon as he entered, even before he could adjust to the dim lit room, Tin was greeted by a voice that was unfamiliarly soft. He checked to see if it was really his mother speaking. The woman who was always so stern and unkind.

"I'll make it quick. I don't want to spend a minute more in here." Without even bothering to exchange any pleasantries, Tin directly headed in front of his mother's desk and put the card in front of her. As soon as she caught the sight of it, Mrs Potjanee knew what it was. She was a smart woman after all.

"It's not from me. It's from Gun. I can't say you're really welcome, but if you want to, you can come. I know you don't want your reputation to be ruined over not being invited to your own son's wedding." Tin said in a stern voice yet sarcasm quickly took over. "Oh wait! Why would you even attend it. You might as well save your face by not attending it. After all, being in your son's gay marriage, what could be more shameful to you?"

Tin didn't let Mrs Potjanee speak at all. He scornfully scoffed at her and slid the card closer to her. "Must be too bitter to your tongue right?  What you've feared the most is really happening! Well I'm not sorry though! And I don't care if you cry about it!"

Mrs Potjanee slowly held the shimmering card in her hands. Her eyes traced the meticulously carved names on it, and she didn't fail to recognize her own son's handwriting. Two different handwriting wrote each other's name in the beautifully handmade card. Delicate traces of love in every stroke of ink that celebrated their marriage.

Without any further delay, Tin turned back the head outside. His hands pulled onto the door knob ready to rush to his love's side. Yet he was interrupted by a trembling voice from his back.

"Are you happy, son?"

Tin didn't dare look back. He didn't want to face what that person might possibly be like right now. His eyes momentarily closed and he took a deep breath. "Very much!" He declared before he closed the door behind him.

Soft sobs filled the room where Potjanee was left lonely. Her hands tightly gripped the card made with love. Through the blur of her tears, she could still see the shimmer of intense love. It shone through the dim light and lit up her eyes. It was love all over it.

Mrs Potjanee hurriedly wiped away her tears and carefully placed the card in a wooden box in her table. Her face lit up in a soft smile as she took one more look at it and closed the box full of her son's first writings

"Did you deliver it properly?" Asked Gun as soon as he saw Tin walk in. The night had already fallen and everyone had left leaving Gun to wait for Tin with dinner on table. Gun tiredly went to slump his body on Gun and placed his chin on his shoulders. Gun embraced him tightly on his back and caressed the firm muscles over his shirt's fabric.

"I did the best I could" he mumbled as he inhaled the sweet scent that refreshed his mind and numbed his tiredness. Gun chuckled softly and ruffled Tin's puffed up hair. "I hope you did! Now, who's my good boy!" he said pressing down soft kisses on Tin's cheek. Tin turned his face to the other side and puffed up his cheek, demanding for a kiss there as well. Gun simply chuckled as he pushed his plump lips onto it, nibbling the soft flesh a bit.

"Come on now, let's eat! I'm so hungry, I could eat a whole damn sheep!" Gun whined as he pulled Tin to the table where he had prepared them a feast. Never could Tin ever let Gun go hungry. And never could Gun eat without him.

"So did you tell Mrs Potjanee that she must come?" Gun asked as he put a piece of sliced meat of Tin's plate. Tin simply nodded, a bit hesitant because obviously he was lying. Gun immediately sensed it a flicked Tin's head lightly. "You were rude to her weren't you? You should learn to be nice!"

Tin honestly was a but upset being scolded like this. He didn't think he did anything reasonable. In fact, he acted how she deserved. "Nice? To her? Gun! Did you forgot what she did to you and your mom? What she did to us?" Tin said unamused.

Gun again landed another light smack on Tin's head. "My memory is as intact as it could ever be okay! There's nothing that I forgot. It's just that, forgiving is nature of a good person. A human is always flawed with mistakes, they must be given a chance of redemption. Don't be too harsh on your mother. She'll eventually learn her lesson."

Tin still wasn't convinced. He disapprovingly groaned and tossed the food around his plate. "I'm not a good person and I don't want to be. I won't be nice to anyone who is not nice to you!"

Gun sighed a heavy one. He couldn't really convince Tin. He had been attempting to do so for a while. Yet Tin already consumed in deep rooted anger and grief. Now Gun doesn't want to disturb him. He will let Tin find himself until he's ready to open to the new world with countless changes again.

"After this let's take a shower and watch a movie. Ford just gave me a suggestion. Hearing it's plot, I really want to watch it!" Gun said as he cleaned the dishes in the sink while Tin wiped them dry. He simply nodded complying to any request Gun makes. Gun happily smiled at him and placed a quick kiss on his lips. "You're such a good boy!" Gun whispered as he hummed a soft song to Tin. With the motivation to gain more rewards, Tin worked harder cleaning the dishes. Maybe he would get more than a kiss.

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