3; a gig

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After last night's frozen dinner, movie binge, and five hours of sleep, Taylor woke up the next morning and trudged into her bathroom.

It was only the second morning of her new job, and she was pumped, for lack of a better word.

She threw on her mossy green sweater, blackish cargo pants, and dark Chucks. She did her hair up in a bun and slid her headphones on as she exited her apartment.

Before leaving, Taylor poured kibble into her five-year-old calico cat, Alex's, bowl. It was another originally sweet, but now miserable reminder of her brother.

Taylor took the nearest subway tube to the part of town where Honey's resided.

Petting the stray feline that lay outside the past three times she was there, Taylor entered the shop for her next official day as an employee, now sporting her nametag.

The shop was void of any customers as the store opened at 8 a.m., the time being seven.

A few of the employees were picking up their pre-opening duties. Molly and Tommy were chatting by his counter that he was slowly organizing.

Mac, another employee Taylor talked to on their lunch break yesterday, was working with the book cart by the shelves near the doors, putting away misplaced or discarded books.

"Hi, Mac!" Taylor greeted me with a simple wave and smile. Mac had seemed sweet when he and Taylor talked yesterday.

His head shot over to her direction, placing the greeting to a face.

"Mornin', Taylor. Ready for your second day?" He inquired.

"I think so. Yesterday was a good experience,"

"The shop's a great place, innit?"

"It's nice to hear everyone enjoys working here. Makes me hopeful that I'll continue loving it," Taylor replied before wishing him well.

Taylor made her way to the counter saying hello to Molly and Tommy.

The trio chatted a bit before Molly bid her temporary farewell, Mrs. Piper needing her help for opening.

"Well, Taylor. Mrs. Piper gave me your assignments for the day! First off, I hope you enjoy speaking to people. While you're not doing upfront customer service, you'll be helping in the music section. Organizing, helping customers, and whatnot."

"Wait there's a music section?" Taylor asked excitedly.

"Oh, yes. Records, CDs, all the essentials. There's not quite as much attraction to them anymore with streaming," he pointed jokingly at the headphones around her neck.

"I still appreciate a good, handheld disc."

They laughed together at their banter, Tommy showing her to the northeast part of the shop that held the wooden shelving units with vinyl records on one end; CDs and cassettes on the other shelves.

Taylor fast-walked ahead of Tommy to begin flipping through the records.

"This is so cool!" she turned to look back at him with a big grin plastered on her face.

"Innit?" he smiled back. "Anyways, you'll be managing this section in place of Lin today. She's out sick. Just watch over things, talk to customers, and help sell what you can."

"Got it. Can do," Tay agreed, still excited about the section she got to man today.

"See you at lunch!" They waved to each other, Tommy leaving the section for Taylor to continue looking through the music selection.

Written In Ink ↬ Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now