9; connections

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A day had passed, and Will had not shown face at the shop, much to Taylor's dismay. Her curiosity was at an all-time high, especially considering he had previously asked her on a date.

She was starting to overthink things, worried that Wilbur didn't want to go out with her or was scared away. However, she got a text from the man, telling her, 'he was sorry he hadn't talked to her in a bit but wanted her to meet him at a park.'

So, that evening, Taylor put on a nice, casual outfit, and did her hair plus light makeup, preparing to meet Will at the park- for a surprise he wouldn't explain.

Taylor walked a couple of blocks, entering the grassy fields of the appealing park. There were sidewalks, trees, and shrubbery, and people all over walking their dogs or enjoying the weather outside.

She looked around, scanning the crowds until a man on a blanket under the shade of a tree caught her eye. It was Will, sitting next to a small cooler, tuning/strumming his acoustic guitar.

The girl jogged over to him, a grin on her face.

"What's this?" She called to him excitedly.

His head shot up to see Taylor approaching him, his smile growing big.

Will waved at her, patting the blanket to signal she should join him. She dropped down, sitting crisscross like she would in grade school.

"So, your surprise was a picnic?" She turned to face Will, both still smiling.

He nodded and opened the cooler. Taylor watched him pull out a plastic container of watermelon, zip-lock bags full of cheese, turkey, crackers, and two water bottles full of lemonade.

"Hopefully, this is enough... I packed what I thought would be good but light. If it helps you think higher of me, I made the lemonade myself with fresh lemons," he gave a close-mouth smile.

"Will... this is amazing. Thank you."

"Of course, I thought it would be nice to eat and sit out in this amazing weather, and I could show you this song I've been working on," he suggested.

"I'd love that."

The two snacked on the fruit and saltines he brought, laughing and talking.

"You know, I'm glad we met. You've made my experience here better than it would've been without you," Taylor told him after a few seconds of silence- their food already being finished.

"I'm glad we met, too. You've been a good company."

Will picked his guitar up, positioning it in his lap. "Mind if I give it a play?"

"I'd love to hear your song," she beamed.

He began strumming a few opening chords before getting into his main riff.

Will played the guitar, singing his lyrics in a soft voice that was really pretty to Taylor.

After Will finished, he sat the guitar down, turning to Taylor with a look on his face that screamed, 'Please tell me you liked it.'

Taylor's lips turned upwards. "That was so great! Seriously, you're so talented, Will!"

His smile grew to match hers, relieved that he didn't completely suck.

"Thank you, that means a lot," he rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact.

Taylor sighed, obviously wanting to say something but not knowing how. Will looked up from the blanket to meet her gaze.

"Is everything ok?" Will asked, becoming concerned.

"It's just... I haven't had a relationship since last year... and I screwed it up. I think you're super sweet, and I really like you, but you don't deserve me," she gushed, looking at him for any sign of resentment for her.

"It was in the past," Will spoke up. "I don't want to influence you at all- or force you to do anything you're uncomfortable with. And for the record, you're right- I don't deserve you because you're too good for me."

She blushed and shook her head. "I disagree, but thank you. I don't feel forced to do anything. I want to pursue something with you- if you want to as well. But I don't want to become your problem too."

Will reluctantly reached his hand out, putting it atop Taylor's, looking at her to confirm it was ok. She nodded.

"Taylor, I also like you. I mean, I asked you out, for Christ's sake! Do you think I would've done that if I didn't want to take the chance on you? I don't care what's happened to you in the past because I know you can work through it," he told her, giving a compassionate smile. "If you'd let me, I'd like to heal with you."

Taylor's eyes became watery at the sentiment. She looked at him, leaning forward- asking his permission- and kissed him.

The two knew from their short kiss they were meant to be. It was electrifying and completely different than how it was with Nick.

The two droned on for the rest of their picnic, talking about anything, including Will asking Taylor if they could make things official. She agreed as long as Will knew the risks of her trauma-filled past.

"I've gone through similar things- as I've shared with you. I want to be there for you- if you'll let me," Will reassured her.

That was enough for Taylor to kiss him again. 

A/N: I'm always worried that any time I write a simple kissing scene that it's cringy, but it has to happen so....

Also, hope y'all like angst next chapter 😍😍 

Have a great day/night!

Written In Ink ↬ Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now