6; the song

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William Gold was naturally a risk taker. Maybe not in the sense of being a daredevil. He would never throw his life around in ventures like extreme sports or skydiving.

When he took risks, it mainly meant trying new things that could potentially fail.

For instance: trying his best to write his own music and work on covers of songs to play gigs. Around ninety-nine percent of the time, Will would get rejected to play at venues or restaurants. However, sometimes the owners would need another musician. Maybe one got sick, couldn't make it, or whatever other circumstances would lead to a spot being open for an aspiring musician. That's how Will ended up with two gigs this week. One that he had played in front of Taylor, and one he'd be playing in two days at a nearby bar- also in front of Taylor.

Another risk he would take was trying to make friends. He didn't have many, so when he met Taylor at the bookshop he would travel to every other day, Will decided he would come as much as possible. He didn't know her. Will only talked to her for an hour or so on her first two days of work, but he knew that they'd become friends. He just had a feeling.

So, when he took the risk to spontaneously ask Taylor to go on an outing with him, he wasn't sure where that courage came from. But it was a risk, and the risk paid off.

So, that takes us back to the present. Will was in his tiny flat a few blocks from Honey's shop. His fingers meticulously plucked and strummed each string and chord. He was working on a new song to perform, however, lyrics would not come to his head. He always had a hard time writing verses, but this particular song vexed him.

He normally wrote about the place in which he resided, but he felt like trying something new this time.

Strumming a few more chord patterns and gaining no result, he decided to call it quits for the day.

It was a start. He had a base for the song but nowhere to take it.

All he needed was a subject. Wait- would it be weird to write about the girl in the bookshop? Not in a weird way, of course. Just how fascinating she was and how she caught his eye.

The lyrics started flowing on his almost full notebook of lyrics and song inspiration.


It was now Saturday, and Will had not only sent Taylor the bar info, but he had finished the demo of his latest song.

The time for his gig was drawing near. Will had just entered the back door of the local bar he would be playing. He was twenty minutes early, being able to set up his chair, mic, and instrument- a classic acoustic, with knicks and scratches to prove its usage.

A little tip jar was placed, (he had to make a little extra somehow) and patrons had started filing into the part of the bar near the stage of sorts.

He flipped his speaker on, and the bartender gave him a nod letting him know that his set could begin. Will quickly scanned the room for Taylor, yet there was no sight of her. Did she not want to come? Did she ditch? Did she- oh! The brunette entered the room, meeting his eyes. He smiled and gave a subtle wave, Taylor reciprocating his actions.

He sat up to do his usual greeting, letting the spectators know why he was here and what his plan was- to play music, of course.

Taking his seat, his hands went into the motion of his first song. It was a more upbeat song, the strumming pattern becoming faster. It was only five, meaning the bar wouldn't need to be too hyped yet. That was good because he mainly played slower-paced acoustic songs.

Written In Ink ↬ Wilbur SootWhere stories live. Discover now