Ep 1: "PILOT"

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Anti hissed when his alarm rang throughout the room, rolling over to pull a pillow over his ears. It had to be late due to the blaring sun that stung his eyes, a rare sight from the usually shit weather.

"Anti! Turn that shit down!" He heard Jackie yell from downstairs. Fucking Jackie.

Anti was a supernatural glitch, that had six brothers: Jackie, the hero and oldest of the bunch. Marvin the magnificent second child. Henrick, the certified doctor despite what the rest thought. Chase, the father figure of the group. Jameson, the second youngest and silent type (not by choice). And Robbie...the zombie.

Thankfully no mother had to give life to so many kids, because Jacksepticeye was that provider. Sean McLoughlin was a YouTuber, who's imagination burdened a series of characters with the responsibility of life. He wasn't the only one though, but that's not important right now.

Anti groaned when he heard his door slam open, knowing very well the "man of the house" was at the door. Jackie and Anti weren't enemies as they were meant to be, but boy did they annoy each other to the core.

"Dammit, Anti!" Jackie yelled out. "I swear to Jack, if I have to hear Taylor Swift ONE MORE TIME!"

"What do you want me to do, she made my theme song."

" "Look What You Made Me Do" is not a theme song!"

The glitch gulped when he caught a glimpse of Jackie's twitching eye, scrambling to find his phone and dismiss the alarm. They both took a deep breath once the room was silent, Jackie seeming much calmer than before.

"Finally. Now change that song before you drive me as crazy as you."

"Fine." Anti muttered, curling back into the sheets, "How does Britney Spears sound?"

"I've already lost my mind." Jackie sighed, leaving the room after shutting the door.

Anti giggled and pulled his phone to his view, scrolling through his playlist. Even he had to admit he needed a new alarm, or maybe just set the volume lower...or just not have one altogether.

Bowie? Too gentle. Lil Nas? To proactive. Set it off? Blondie? Bo Burnham? Melanie Martinez? Fucking Elvis?

Anti cringed at some of the songs he had saved. Even demons had demons, he thought. He eventually gave up and set his phone aside, getting up to get dressed and head downstairs.

The family had a very precise morning schedule: Wake up, get dressed, serve breakfast, then head to work. The bad part about being alive, in Anti's opinion, was having to form a part in society. Jackie, although having literal superpowers, was forced to work in the police department. Marvin recently opened his own store, Henrick was working as a resident at the local hospital, Chase was between jobs and Jameson took care of the house as well as Robbie...Anti wasn't so lucky.

"Oi, Devil spawn," Marvin interjected with a mouthful of toast. "Grab a bite then brush your teeth, we're heading to the store in twenty minutes."

"You said we could leave at ten today." Anti whined.

"It is ten, Anti." Chase acknowledged, placing a lunchbox into the glitch's hands.

The glitch huffed and dragged himself back upstairs. It wasn't long till he was ready, clipping a stud into his ear.

"Come on, come on, let's get a move on!" Marvin rushed, grabbing the glitch's hand. Anti gasped as they were suddenly transported into Marvin's shop. Anti had a similar power, but nothing could prepare him for when Marvin did it. He held his head till the world stopped spinning, placing his stuff behind the counter as Marvin opened the store.

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