Ep 8: "Help Wanted"

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"You're firing me?! It's not my fault I can't count!"

"I'm sorry, Anti. But until Chase teaches you I can't let you behind the counter."

"So you're replacing me with Chase? Make that make sense!"

Once again Marvin and Anti were fighting at the dinner table. It was a common thing when working for your sibling, but now Anti was furious to what Marvin had to say. The group, besides Henrick and Chase, who were working late, watched as the scene grew intense.

"Until I can find a viable candidate to help out, Chase will be my stand in."

"Jameson's available, make him do it!"

'Don't drag me into this, Anti. I already do the baking and housework'

"Are you really going to hire some stranger into our business?!" Anti questioned, ignoring Jameson's remark.

"Our business? It's my business and I'll say what goes. And what needs to go is you!"

"You know what? Fuck you, I'll find my own job then."

"Not a chance in hell." Jackie muttered at the end of the table. "Letting you out with Marvin was one thing, but letting you out alone? Its never going to happen."

"Watch me, blue boy."

"I'd like to see you try...glitch bitch."

Anti glared before jumping over the table, forcing Jackie to the floor. Robbie clapped as they tackled one another on the ground, Jackie forcing Anti off by pushing away his face while the glitch had him pinned. He eventually rolled them over and pressed into the scar on Anti's neck, refusing to let go as Anti started to scramble.

"Ack- Help!" He hissed, clawing Jackie's face.

The hero seethed as he tried to cover the marked side of his face, standing up as the glitch wheezed on the floor. As if on cue Henrick and Chase walked through the door.

"We're home!" Henrick greeted as the other went to lift Anti off the floor.

"What's this about now?" Chase questioned, folding his arms.

"Anti's pissed about you taking his job." Jackie explained.

"I was. Now I'm pissed cause he called me glitch bitch!"

"Buddy, I know you're upset by it, but we don't tackle people."

"Don't baby talk him, Chase. Who tackled who?" Henrick asked, quite sternly.

"Anti." Everyone accused.

"All of you are traitors!"

"You know the rules, Anti. Head to your room."

"He started it!"

"I don't care, go."

"But I'm not finished eating!"

"Room, now." Henrick warned.

Anti growled before glitching upstairs, snickering a few curses under his breath.

It's always the doctor, Anti thought. Always Henrick who had the final say. While Chase was the father figure of the house, Henrick was like the strict mom who'd blow a gasket at the smallest things. Sure it was because he was stressed from work majority of the time, but Anti always saw it as a personal attack when he would sentence the glitch to his room rather than just talk about it like Chase does.

Anti sulked as he flopped onto his bed, hearing the commotion down stairs. Anti swore Henrick saw him as a virus or something, always trying to get rid of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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