Part 2 chapter 9

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"why did I do this to myself?" my knee bounced as I looked at my phone again. "are you sure you're okay with them coming back here?"

"if you ask me that one more time I swear to God" Tony set down his tablet and gave me his attention, "they're your friends, you'll be fine"

"how long have you known them?" Bucky asked.

"since I was 4?"

"then it should be nice, right?" I pulled a face, sinking back into the sofa.

"yeah but I don't know. They're a weird bunch"

Basically, my friends from Bristol were coming to America for the week for a bit of a holiday and we had arranged to meet up. The problem was that they were a bit...mental. The boys at least. Ellie and Riley were lovely, and sensible, we'd practically grown up together along with Flo. The fishponds gang. But Flo gets homesick so she wouldn't be coming.

I just didn't want them to do anything stupid in front of the others, so I was going to try and direct them away from the tower as much as I could. The girls tried their best bless them, but once they set their mind to it, you couldn't really convince them otherwise.

"I'll give you a call if we end up coming back, but um I'll keep everyone on the party floor if that's okay? Just so nothing can be damaged."

"go have fun kid, enjoy yourself" I nodded to myself, sighing deeply. Okay.

I sent Peter a text that I was on my way to meet up with them seeing as he was helping May with some decorating today. He was going to pop over later if they decided to come back to the tower, as himself of course. As much as I loved them I couldn't trust them to keep a secret that big, and I could never ask Peter to tell them anything.

"enjoy yourself" I muttered to myself as I walked across town. Anxious yet excited to see my mates. I was meeting them at the museum of sex, guess who's idea that was.

"Boo!" I shrieked, jumping in my skin as hands grabbed my shoulders. "that is not funny" I scolded playfully, a smile working its way onto my face at the sight of my laughing friends.

"it's a little bit funny" Ellie teased, pulling me into a hug which I was happy to return. "it's so good to see you"

"you too! You look amazing!" Ellie was always a bit of a model, born with a beautiful face and the fashion sense to match. I had always been jealous of her ability to charm people, she just seemed to talk so effortlessly and just...shine.

"hey there stranger" Riley grinned, and I fist bumped her, she wasn't a hugger. "long time no see, like your hair"

"like your hair" Zain mocked in a high-pitched voice which I flicked him for.

"nice to see nothing's changed" I looked between the boys, Isaiah and Tom were looking towards the museum laughing to each other. "you guys wanna head inside?"

"so, rumour has it that you're dating the infamous Spiderman?" Ellie wiggled her eyebrows and I chuckled, ducking my head as I studies the labia sculpture in front of us.

"where on earth did you hear such a thing?" the sarcasm was clear, and Riley smirked.

"maybe it was the picture of the two of you in that park" she suggested.

That was a good memory, picnic in the park and Pete's lunch got stolen by a pigeon. We didn't realise anyone had taken a picture until the next day, where there was a shot of Spiderman chasing a pigeon as I died of laughter in the back, both of us with poorly formed daisy chain crowns on our head.

"You know who he is under the mask, right?" Tom turned to us, and they waited on my response, but I shook my head.

"nope not a clue." Isaiah and Riley shared a doubtful look whilst Zain pestered me on how that was bullshit. "Guys, I'm serious. I don't know his face. That's the whole point of the mask"

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