Part Two

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Dear Lukas,

It has been a month or so since I last sent a letter to you. I don't really know how long it takes to send a mail over seas but I decided to write to you once again. Once again, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you are still in contact with Berwald and/or Tino. I haven't asked, mostly because I never thought about it until now, but I'm curious. I really hope that you are still talking with us in America, but I'd be a but disappointed too if you were intentionally avoiding me.

If you are talking with Berwald and Tino, you probably knew about their 'living arrangements'. I mean, living with your friends is very normal, I mean, I'm living with Gilbert now. He moved in with me after him and Roderich got into a fight. Honestly, I never really cared for that loser. But, back to Tino and Berwald.

I honestly wasn't surprised when they moved in together but when they bought a pet together, it was confirmed. It's not like I didn't see it coming, but all I'm saying is that

its canon.

The two named the small, white dog Hanatamago. The dog, for some reason, seems to hate me. A lot. And the worst part is that Berwald and Tino don't even trust me to watch their dog. When they go on vacation or leave for a couple days, they either take the dog with them or leave the pet with Eduard. Eduard! Do you know how insulting that is?! Outrageous! But, yeah, Tino is studying at school to be a teacher. Apparently, he's doing very well. Honestly, I haven't actually seen them in a while. I haven't seen them in at least a month or so. I should probably meet up with them again too.

Well, in a couple months, Gilbert, Alfred, and I are planning to travel back to Europe, and venture to Germany. Each time we travel, we each pick where we go. Alfred picked first and we traveled to Russia, I picked Denmark, and Gilbert picked Germany. I hope to see all the sights in Berlin. Apparently, Gilbert was telling Alfred and I about his extended family in Berlin so we are staying with them.

I'm excited to see the remaining parts of the Berlin Wall and other historical aspects. I remember you telling me one time that you had gone to Germany with your family. How was it? Did you see anything interesting? Do you have recommendations? I do not recall anything from what you told me about Germany.

I don't know what the climate or whatever is like in Iceland, but in winter I imagine it's pretty cold. I guess it depends where you live. I hope not by volcanoes but if you are... Yeah, well, in America its pretty fucking cold. Minnesota is not the place to live during winter or, or, or any season. The weather sucks. I hope you are having a great time with your brother. Please respond to me as soon as possible.


(P.S. (Not Patrick Stump) It's like 2 A.M. here and Tumblr is spazzing out and has been loading for over 5 minutes.)

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