pt. 15

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Tyler walked me back to campus before he got a taxi and went home to clean his apartment. I guess he's expecting me to come over tonight. The mere thought gave me butterflies.

"And now we will begin our lecture on diseases of the mind," My psychology professor, Dr. Meyer, said in a booming voice as we settled into our seats. "Just like the body, our minds can be born with defects, riddled with an illness only those who have can understand fully. Some of these difficulties come from traumatic experiences from early childhood, some are never triggered and merely fester without our knowledge. So one might ask, how can you cure the mind?"

Motion caught my eye and I saw a girl I think named Abigail raise her hand.

"Yes Abigail, what is it?"

"I don't believe in mental illness. I think all those people only do it for attention and I hate it, it's really annoying."

A sparkle of suppressed anger ran across Dr. Meyer's face. "Well have you, yourself, ever experienced anything traumatic or unsettling Abigail?"

"Well no but I-"

He cut her off, "And would you tell a person with cancer that they do not, in fact, have cancer? That they are only faking for attention? That they won't actually die?"

Abigail's face reddened as she stammered, "No, I mean I wouldn't ever- I just."

"Yes, so perhaps, Abigail, you shouldn't try to tell a person with an anxiety disorder that they do not actually have crippling panic attacks, or a person with depression that they're lazy and faking because they can't find the motivation to get up in the morning. Perhaps then, dear Abigail, you shouldn't tell a person who is suicidal that they are an attention whore because they probably already say it to themselves everyday. In actuality, people like you are the one's hungry for attention. Now, please leave my classroom."

Abigail stood up, embarrassed and seemingly crying, and stormed out.

Dr. Meyer looked down at his desk and back up at the mini arena of students surrounding him, "So, does anyone else have any ignorant self righteous comments to make?" When the room stayed silent he continued, "Good, now maybe we can actually learn something."

After the dispute with Abigail was finished, Dr. Meyer set back into his familiar lecture voice and actually taught us.

When we were dismissed I got a taxi to take me back to my apartment to get ready to head to Tyler's. I unlocked the door with ease and gave Liz a pet on her furry head. I looked down at my phone, which lit up with a phone call from Tyler.

"Hey," I answered.

"Hello," he exaggerated the length of the "o" sound. "I was just calling to see if you were home yet. Which I assume you are because you answered. Anyway I was hoping you'd come over tonight and maybe we could work on the poetry thing you had."

A fresh wave of butterflies entered my abdomen, "Yeah, babe that'd be great."

"Alright I'll see you in a little bit then. I love you."

A smile spread across my face, "I love you too."

I hung up and ran into my bathroom to shower and become presentable. I shaved my legs and armpits twice, used my best smelling body wash and even painted my toe nails when I was done. I threw on some leggings and a tank top then put on a little makeup. Finally, I called Tyler and told him I was on my way.

As I walked along the sidewalk I realized that I never took Tyler over to Marie's diner, I'll have to remember to do that. I approached Tyler's apartment building and saw him sitting outside on the steps.

"Hello gorgeous," he said when I got closer.

"Hi," I felt my face redden from his compliment.

"C'mon," he laced his arm through mine and led me upstairs to his apartment. When we walked in, Tyler had decorated his entire house with rose petals and candlelight. In the living room, he had set up a table that looked like it belonged in a movie or fancy restaurant. There was a bottle of red wine on the table with two plates and roses.

"What's all this?" I asked with a gasp.

"It's all for you." I knew I was blushing but didn't know if Tyler could see it in the dim lighting. "Here, have a seat," he said as he pulled a chair out.

"Thank you," I was shocked and flattered.

He sat down in the seat across from me and called, "Waiter!"

Mark came out wearing a tux that looked like it was from World War II and used a fake British accent to ask what we wanted to eat.

Tyler said, "We'll both have tonight's special."

"Coming right up, Sir. Would you like me to pour your wine for you Miss?"

"Uh, I- I guess."

"Smashing," he popped open the wine with some difficulty and poured a little in my glass. Then he disappeared back into the kitchen.

"Tyler what is all this about?" I asked after he left.

"Well," he took a sip of his wine. "I just love you, and I want you to know that so I'm trying to show you. You mean the world to me Aurora."

"I love you too Tyler, I really do. Thank you for doing this, I love it."

"You're welcome sweet pea, I'd do anything for you."

Just then, Mark came back in carrying two plates of steak and baked potatoes.

"Here you are," he sat the plates in front of us. "Can I get you guys anything else?"

"No thanks," Tyler said, never taking his eyes off of me and I him.

After we ate, I carried the plates to the kitchen and put them in the sink. before I could start washing them though, Tyler came up behind me and put his arms around my waist.

"You're not doing the dishes," he said before kissing my neck. A wave of shivers went down my spine and I turned around to face him.

"I'm not?" I asked with a smirk.

Tyler pressed his body closer to mine, "No, you're not."

I assumed Mark had already left and if he didn't, I didn't care. I grabbed Tyler around the neck and started kissing him furiously, hungrily. He read my body language in a minute and pulled my hips closer to his. We backed up from the kitchen into his bedroom, kissing the whole way.

When Tyler finally laid me down on his bed he grew suddenly serious, "Aurora, I've never done this before."

I was a little shocked but in a good way, because I'd never done it before either. "It's okay Tyler, I haven't either."

"Wow, really?"

"Shut up and kiss me you sap," and he did. I gave all of myself to him and him to me. I'd never been more in love in my life.

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