Nice eclipse x animatronic reader

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Y/N has there own corner in the daycare that is pretty much tapestries like they are hanging from metal bars and there are some against the wall to hide the door to your room and the storage closet. Your corner is the art corner where you teach them how to do different crafts. Your bedroom has a queen bed in it a desk for you to do your random shit. You have led lights and a computer. Your not sun and moon's sibling you were made by someone else. You were into teak and building stuff, you also liked to clean and do crafts. We don't know a lot about the nice eclipses universe so I'm going along with what I think happened/is happening. Anyways onto the story.
Y/Ns pov
I'm in my room trying to fix's my phone that I had dropped and broke. I released that I didn't have the right tools so I left go find my tool box. Eclipse probably stole it from me and is messing with something. I monomer around the table and walk over to the computers. He's not there though, strange. I walk over to the go carts and still he's not there. "Eclipse," I call out as I start to wander looking for him. I go over to the coffee shop that's near the daycare. "Eclipse," I call out as I walk in.
"Yea," he replies from behind the counter. He's fixing the coffee machine, I watch as he goes to grab a new tool from lord and behold my toolbox.
"So my suspicions were right," I say and walk over next to him.
"What suspicions," he asks. Is this man for real he stole my toolbox and is acting like he did nothing.
"Does toolbox ring a bell," I say sarcastically.
"Oh, yea sorry bout not asking, I heard some employees complaining to management about this being broken, and I don't have anything to fix at the daycare right now i figured I'd fix it," he say and looks at me.
"Eh, I don't care, just please ask next time, and when you're done give back to me, I'm in the middle of fixing my phone."
"Why don't you just get a new phone at this point you've fixed it way to many times."
"Because, you know with Monty spending all the money we make on gator golf we don't have the money," I say back a little frustrated.
"We're not poor you can buy a new phone," he says getting a little frustrated to.
"Sun and moon all the extra money we have, my priority right now is to get them fixed as soon as possible."
"Y/n I know how you feel and I've been work-," I cut him off.
"You don't know how it feels they are like family to me," I yell at him, small tears falling down my cheeks, "just bring me back my toolbox when your done." I walked of to my room with my head down. Why can't I help in any way ever, i couldn't help with the separation and I can't help now. Once I was in my room I grabbed my laptop and put on my favorite show. After and hour some nocked on my door. I get up and answer it, I open the door and it's eclipse holding my toolbox.
"You said to return it when I was done," he said kind of upset.
"Ugh, as much as I like to keep grudges," I grab him by his belt and pull him inside, "I like you more," I say as I kiss him. He kisses back and we break apart and I drag him to my bed, he places the toolbox next to the bed, I plop onto my bed and he fallows suit and wraps his arms around me.
"I'm sorry I made you upset earlier."
"Wow, apologizing, you must be sorry," I tease, "eh, it's fine you didn't mean to, I was just stressed." And with that we cuddled and fell asleep.
-The end-

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