Pirate Eclipse X Princess Reader | Id kill for you

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I'm back!
I'm so sorry I haven't updated this story for a while.
I also have a new writing style!
I'm still working on the heathers stories.

This was requested by Lolliart2011.
They wanted eclipse to be a pirate or a cowboy so I'm making him a pirate! They also wanted to be a girl so I deliver you being a princess!

In this Eclipse is a pirate who kidnaps you for ransom. You and eclipse end up getting close and so forth.

 You and eclipse end up getting close and so forth

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This is the outfit I imagine you wearing. It can be an color and different this is just the basic idea.

This story does include suggested sexual activity's. So if you're uncomfortable with that just skip.

Onto the story now!


Y/n's POV

"Miss Y/n," Toby, my personal butler, says, "we've got the carriage ready like you requested."

"Ok, I'll be out soon," I say smiling at Toby as I stand up for my vanity.

I quickly look at myself in the mirror making sure I look presentable.
I'm playing on going to town and visiting the orphanage like I do every week.

I go out to the carriage getting in.

"Where to miss Y/n," the driver asks.

"The orphanage," I say.

The carriage takes off toward town.

I sit quietly looking out the window.
I see a few kids waving on the side of the road. I wave back smiling.

We get to the orphanage, the driver opening the door for me.
I get out holding up my dress so I don't trip on it.

"The princess is back!" A kid yells.

I walk over to the entrance, it's already open, opening my arms for the kids to hug me.

"Yes I'm back," I say.

I stand back up from my crouching position.
I smile at the kids.

"What would you guys like to do today," I ask.

"Hide and seek!" The kids yell.

"Ok, I'll count to 20," I say covering my eyes.

I hear the kids scuffling feet as they run in different directions.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-," I get cut off.

A bag is pulled over my head as I get scooped up. I yell out hitting my attacker trying to get free.

"Miss Y/n!" The driver yells.

"Let go of me! This is no way of carrying someone," I yell.

I'm being held like a football but then get thrown over there shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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