Nice eclipse x animatronic reader

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Hey I'm starting an some actual story's so it may take me a little to get to these sometimes. This one's going to be about y/ns cooling system breakers so they over heat. Please give me ideas I have some but I'm very willing to do any requests bc if you request I can make more stuff like that for you to enjoy. Anyway onto the story.
"Bye bye miss y/n," Cris says as she leaves with her mom.
"Bye Chris," I wave back as she leaves, "well that's the last kid, I'm going to clean, I think there might be something wrong with the fridge when I went to give the kids there milk it was warm."
"Ok, did you give them the milk or the juice then."
"The juice, do you think I'm in idiot."
"No just want to make sure."
"Kay, oh no poor Cris forgot her plush."
"Just put it in lost in found."
"No, I'll give it to her tomorrow."
I finish cleaning up the toys and decide to clean the barrels. I walk over to the front desk where eclipses is fixing the freezer. I grab the cleaning supplies to clean them, there's no more wipes.
"I'm going to get more wipes for the barrels," I say.
"Why do you clean them everyday," he asks me.
"Because it's hygienic and it's what sun did everyday. I want to keep the day care as similar as when sun and moon were in charge of it, there in the basement right."
"Yes," he says kind of annoyed.
I quickly head towards the closest entrance to the basement and head down to get the wipes. It's hot down stairs, I go to the room that has the wipes and grab them. On my way back to the daycare I get ready hot. I slowly walk into the daycare and go over to the barrels. Eclipse must have went to raid my toolbox because he's not there anymore. I start to clean one of the barrels but the heat hits me like a wave and I pass out.
Eclipses pov
I go to y/ns room to get some tools for there toolbox. Is I'm digging through the toolbox I hear a loud thud from out in the daycare. I grab a screwdriver ready to hit whoever's entered the daycare and see nobody's there, I look around some more to see if I'm missing something then I see y/n passed out on the ground. I run over to them to make sure they're ok, there really hot. 'Maybe they overheated, or there cooling system isn't working. I lift up there shirt up enough to reveal chest plate and open it. I take one look at there cooling system and know something's up.
Time skip to after y/n is fixed and now is just peacefully asleep
I finally finish the fridge and go check up on y/n. I open there door trying not to wake them. There still asleep, I decide to cuddle close to them and fall asleep with them.
-The end-
This one was really short, again please give ideas, I will take and request. And if you request I know what you want so I can provide more context like it. I hope you like it feed back is appreciated.

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