Nice eclipse x animatronic reader (part 1)

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Hey just like what this one's about it's pretty much like the sams episode when moon goes and asks the nice eclipse for help. Also y/n is was depressed but isn't anymore bc of the help she got from eclipse. Also in this version eclipse can move his mouth and eye. TW mention of death and suicide attempts.
Y/Ns pov
I was coming back from going to get new tools that would hopefully help with fixing sun and moon. I get to the big doors and see eclipse taking to moon. But moon's not supposed to leave the room till he's fixed. I start to ease drop to see why moons out of his room. They were talking about how he needed help with the "eclipse" from his dimension. So he's from a different dimension, but why is he here. Eclipse finds something in his head, blue prints. They were to kill something. Eclipse says it can be set to "eclipse's" frequency and kill him. But there is a problem with the star they would have to know where he is to or else the star would just be floating around in the world. Eclipse suggests that moon takes him to a different dimension so "eclipse" wouldn't be able to use the star. Moon asks if he could bring "eclipse" to our dimension. They start to talk about how it would be confusing with there being two eclipses. Moon says that he can put it to "eclipses" specific frequency and not my eclipses frequency. But that's not true every dimension has similar things. Both of the eclipses have the same frequency so if he uses it here I would kill eclipse. Moon says he's not going to kill eclipse but eclipse cuts him of saying he wants him dead. Lunar always just wanted to be appreciated and back when lunar and "eclipse" ran the show lunar loved his "brother" and just wanted him to love him back and not think he was a mistake. Then it clicked, this was the "eclipse" that eclipse had said came here wanting the star and then got all upset when he found out that we don't have one yet and even if we did it wouldn't work. Him mentioning lunar like that also made me realize that he was most likely dead. Eclipse says that he will let moon bring him here if he finishes the star here and fixes sun and moon. Eclipse tells moon if he wants to get to building the rocket that he should go to Monty. Moon left and went to go talk to Monty and didn't even notice me.
I walked over to eclipse.
"Umm why is moon out of his room," I question wanting to know if he's going to tell me the truth.
"Oh that's not our moon different dimension," he says.
"Oh, why's he here," I question him further.
"Oh umm, he just needs help with umm, trying to get rid of his, kill code," he says witch if I didn't already know he was lying I would have know by his slow long thinking of what to say.
"Eclipse, please," I say and my eyesight starts to go a little blurry as tears start to weld in my eyes, "please don't lie to me." Eclipse froze and looked at me blankly.
"What do you mean I'm not lying," he lies.
"Eclipse I heard everything," I prevent the tears from spinning, "please don't let him do it here, he can find a different dimension."
"I-I," he stammers out, "I didn't think you heard us."
"You didn't think I heard you guys," I yell at him, "I was standing in the doorway."
"Well I didn't hear or see you, actually why did you act like you didn't hear anything at first, why is it that you acted dumb," he snaps back at me.
"Because I wanted to know if you would lie to me," I yell back just barely holding back my tears, "and to see if you would break your promise sense you already broke one of them."
"What promises," he asks me.
"Do you not remember, the night you found me on the roof of the plex," I say lowering my voice, "me and you both promised each other that we wouldn't let our selves or each other die." I look him dead in the eye, "and the other was about lying." Eclipse says quite, "I fucking love you and can't lose you." I take a step toward him, "I love you," I say as I put a hand on each side of his face plate, "I can't lose you to," I say as I put our four heads together, "please eclipse," I finally let the tears run down my cheeks.
"I love you too y/n, but he says he'll fix it sun and moon, he'll also finish the star," he says, "I mean you could always go find another partner instead of me," he says pulling his head away from mine and smiles.
"I don't want another partner I want you," I yell at him, "what if you go to a different dimension I'll stay here and watch sun and moon, it'll only be for a day not even you can come back after he leaves."
"No y/n I'm going to stay here I've made my mind up," he says at me his smile fading.
"Well your clearly not thinking of me, about how this will affect me," I yell at him. I run off to my room and slam the door shut. I go over to my desk and throw everything on the ground and open the drawer. I put out a black pen and my notebook. I open to a blank page, and start to write down all my frustrations down on it. Once I'm done I slam it shut and crawl into bed. Hot tears spill down my cheeks as I think about him not being in my life.
After about an hour eclipse slowly opens the door and looks at me, I have my back turned so I can't see if it's him but I know it's him bc he does sleep in my room.
"Y/n," he asks, "are you awake."
I ignore him, I don't want to be mad at him but I want him to know how if he goes through with his plan I will go back into that dark hole that me and him fought so hard to get me out of.
"Am I sleeping on the couch tonight," he asks but I still don't say anything. "Y/n answer me, I'm not a child and neither are you, you don't like it when I give you the silent treatment."
"Please, just leave me alone," my voice was small and crackly sense I'd been crying, "I don't care were you sleep just please leave me alone."
He says quite, he grabs a blanket from the bin and lays down on the couch.

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