Eclipse x animatronic reader

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This one is going to be inspired but the song Mad At Disney by Salem Ilese. The words that look like this are the lyrics of the song, I may skip some parts of the song to shorten up the story. It's going to start with them fighting and braking up. There will be swearing, and mentioning of abuse, if you or someone you know are being abused call 911, and I hope your ok.
Y/ns pov
I'm mad at Disney, Disney.
"Your never home and when you are all you want is to sleep," I yell at him, "what about me, it's always about you, I clean the house every day for you to be happy, I make sure where not being tracked, I make sure we don't stick out like a shore thumb, and what do I get in return, nothing."
"What do you want me to give you a metal that say 'congratulations you did the bear fucking minimum,' would that make you happy," he yells back at me.
"No but I would appreciate it if you would watch a movie with me or do something with me, all I want is to spend time with you. The only time we spend time together is when where sleeping."
"What do you not enjoy the house, you can watch anything you want on the tv. Your really acting like a spoiled brat, you should be lucky I even fixed you to being with."
His words hit deep, deeper than and fight we've ever gotten into.
They tricked me, tricked me.
"I'm done," I say calmly.
"What," eclipse yells at me.
"I say, I'm fucking done," I say as I walk past him to the bedroom.
"You can't leave me, your have nowhere to go," he say's following me, "after all sun and moon hate you."
"I don't care anywhere is better than here with you." I start to pack up my stuff witch isn't much, only my phone, charger, some clothes, and a blanket.
Why, why me, what did I ever do to deserve such a bad life.
Eclipse stands in the doorway of the bedroom blocking me from leaving.
"You can't leave."
"Fine." I walk over to the window and leave threw it.
"Fine leave it's not like I'll care when you die," he yells at me as I walk away.
Tears fall down my cheeks.
Had me wishing on a shooting star.
I just walk and walk all threw out the night not really caring where my feet are taking me.
But now I'm twenty something.
I once the sun starts to come up I snap out of my thoughts and realize where I am, the pizza plex.
I still know nothing.
I turn around and walk away. I decide I'm going to go to the park.
Once at the park I decided to swing and think about what I'm going to do know.
Bout who I am or what I'm not.
After an hour I decide why not live in the alley or just the park. Just the someone else enters the park. Roxanne with Gregory and some other girl with brown pigtails.
Aw shit I hope they don't recognize me.
So call me a pessimist.
Gregory and the kid run over to the slide and take turns sliding down it.
But I don't believe in it.
Roxanne watches them and then sees me on the swing and releases that it's me. She then walks over to me, once I realize she's walking over to me I freeze.
Should I run should I act like I don't see her.
"Y/n is that you, we all thought you where dead," she says to me.
"Umm yea I've been dating eclipses but we just broke it off last night," I respond awkwardly.
Finding a true loves kiss is bull shit.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, why is it you guys broke up," she asks me.
"Oh it just didn't work out."
Because I've felt sad love.
"What was the main problem."
"We got into fights a lot."
I've felt bad love.
"Why did you guys get together in the first place."
"Back when we first ment he cared about me and made time to hang out with me."
Sometimes happy love.
"But for the past few months he has hung out with me or really talked to me."
Turns into giving up.
I remember the more recent times when he's got mad at me and even hit me.
I've felt hurt love, by the word love.
"What the hell is love supposed to feel like?" I ask Roxanne.
"Well it's when you feel attracted to someone or see them as more than a friend."
What the hell is love? x2
What the hell is love supposed to feel like?
"Where are you staying," Roxanne asks me.
"Umm, nowhere right now, I don't have a job, well at least I haven't shown up is a while."
"Yeah, I don't blame you after the accident."
I remember someone sun had told me once.
My fairy grandma warned me.
'That I should make sure someone likes me because if it's just a one way relationship it will go nowhere.'
Cinderellas story, only ended in a bad divorce.
The price ain't sleeping when he, takes his sleeping beauty.
To the motel on his Snow White horse.
"You can stay with us," Roxanne says snapping me out of my memory.
"Oh no, no, no I couldn't possibly do that I've already have a place in mind."
"Hey who's the girl who's with you."
"Oh that's Cassidy, the girl who's going to be starring in the security breach ruin."
"Oh, well I should get going."
So call me a pessimist.
I remember all the times we kissed, I thought he was my true love.
But I don't believe in it, finding a true loves kiss is bullshit.
Why do I hate him because he hurt me but love him still.
Cause I've felt sad love, I've felt bad love, sometimes happy love, turns into giving up.
I decide I'm going to the daycare.
I wonder how Lunars doing, I miss the little kid.
I miss how it was before the accident.
One I enter the plex I feel like someone's watching me. I look around and see a red fox looking at me.
"Umm hi," I say to them.
"Who are you," they ask me.
"I'm y/n, who are you, are you ok your kind of falling apart."
"I'm foxy," the fox says.
"Ok I'm going to go to the daycare now ok bye," I say and go to walk away.
"Wait the day care, how do you feel about sun and moon," foxy asks me.
"Umm, I'm ok with them, I mean besides the accent I'm fine with them."
"Ok come with me," foxy grabs my hand with his hook hand. He leads me into lost and found.
"Monty where are you I need to talk to you, Monty."
"What, I'm coming I'm coming," Monty says from the vent. Once Monty is in the room they looks at me.
"Where the hell have you been, we all thought you died," they say to me.
"No I've been dating eclipses but we broke it of last night," I say calmly.
"You've been what," that say loudly.
"I was dating eclipses."
"And he didn't kill you."
"Do you know what's been going on lately."
"Umm eclipse has the star, made everyone hate sun and moon that's it."
"Well eclipse killed lunar, has been torturing sun and moon too."
"Oh, I didn't know he killed lunar."
I've felt hurt love, by the world love.
"I was going to the daycare," I say glumly.
"Ok where go with you," Monty says.
"Does sun and moon think I'm dead."
"Yes," Monty say's.
Time skip to at daycare
I walk in last slowly and look around. The place looks the same.
"Sun, moon, come here," Monty calls for the to come down from the tower. Sun, moon, and some other girl that looks like the earth jump down and walk towards us.
"What do you want," moon says.
"Look who we found," Monty says moving to the side so they could see me.
"Y/n," sun says.
"So your the person I actually pushed off a building," moon says.
"Oh yeah forgot to tell you moon lost him memory's, and they got a new sister earth," Monty tells me.
"Umm, yess."
"Who fixed you and where have you been," sun asks.
"Eclipse fixed you, when?"
"In October, I was also with him, we kind of were dating but we broke it off last night."
"Why, out of everyone in the world date him," moon asks.
What the hell is love?
"I don't really know he was kind to me at first but ever sense he got the star he's been ignoring me."
What the hell is love?
Tears form in my eyes. I look at sun and moon.
"I'm sorry I didn't do anything to help you guys, it's just when I would say something to him he would, he would."
"Y/n it's fine I'm just glad your ok," sun says.
"What the hell is love supposed to feel like?"
The end
Idk what else to do, please give me ideas.

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