Nice eclipse x animatronic reader

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"Umm eclipse," I say when cleaning the daycare.
"Huh," he says, "what you need."
"There's a bat," I say very quietly.
"What do you mean there's a bat, where are you."
"One of the castles."
"Ok stay right there I'm going over there right now."
"Ok, please hurry," I say carefully sitting down as to not scare the bat.
"Ok where is it," eclipse says coming in and seeing it.
"Are you serious going to grab it with a towel."
"Yeah, you got any better ideas," he say as he cautiously steps towards it.
"Be careful, don't hurt it."
"Wow you don't care if it hurts me."
"Yes, I do care but if it gets hurt I'll feel bad and besides if you get hurt I just get an excuse to pamper you."
"And thats the exact reason why I always am careful to not get hurt."
"What do you not like cuddles, or kisses."
"Not when you're clinging to me like a leach."
"Uggg, im not that annoying."
He gets closer to the bat. He quickly grabs it and wraps it in the towel.
"Ahhhhh, quick get it out," I say pushing up against the wall trying to get away from the bat.
"Calm down, it's a bat, not a boom," he says.
"Uhh, shut up," I say embarrassed.
We walk outside to let the bat go.
He lets it go and it immediately flys away.
I grab his and as I watch it fly away and join some other bats.
"We should get a cat," I tell eclipse.
"We should not get a cat," he says.
"We should."
"We should, come on let's finish cleaning the daycare, we should probably also make sure sun and moon didn't leave the daycare."

I'm so sorry I took forever on this and it isn't even long. I've had like no ideas recently and so I made this up as I went.
A reminder I do take requests.

Eclipse x animatronic reader one shots (sams)Where stories live. Discover now