Nice eclipse x animatronic reader

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This one shot is going to be about eclipse having a lot to fix and him being irritated and snapping at y/n. I know it sounds stupid but just trust me.
"Eclipse the fridge broke it again," I left him know as he's fixing the soda machine.
"Ok I fix it later," he says.
I stay and watch him studying what he's doing hoping that maybe one day I'd be as good as he is at fixing stuff.
"Are you just going to stay there and watch me," he says sarcastically.
"Oh I was-."
"Can you just leave me alone till I'm done fixing everything."
"Oh ok I'll leave you alone," I say kind of hurt but just go to my room.
I flop down on my bed and just stare at the wall for ten minutes. I decide to watch a show on my laptop.
Eclipse pov
"Why did I snap at them, no it's fine, there fine," I say to my self and continue to fix the soda machine.
Y/ns pov
I get bored of the show I'm watching and decide to do something else.
I go over to my desk and pull my Ouija bored and start to use it even though it never works.
"Is there any spirits here with me today," I say.
The planchette moves to yes.
'Oh shit it actually worked,' I think to myself.
"Umm whats your name," I ask the spirit.
"E-V-A-N," it spells out.
"Evan, how old were you when you died."
I continue to ask even questions.
"Goodbye," I say and stop playing putting it back in my drawer.
I decide to check on eclipse. He's now working on the fridge. We made eye contact and I go back to my room not wanting him to get mad.
After an hour eclipse walks into my room. I jump up and walk over to him.
"I'm," he grumbles a little under his breath, "sorry for snapping at you, I shouldn't have done that."
"It's ok I understand I snap at you all the time."
"I know."
"Are you done with everything," I ask him.
"Yeah, let me guess, you wanna cuddle and watch a movie."
"Ok but I'm picking the movie."
The end
I'm sorry this one's kind of short I don't know what to write. I'm willing to do any requests if you want to request. Im starting some books so I may be making one shots not as frequent but I'll try.

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