Eclipse x animatronic reader

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This one shot is not going to be with the nice eclipse but just normal eclipse. I imagine the relationship to be toxic yet if anyone would hurt you he would tear them apart. I imagine him and you getting in fights quite often. There will be sewering. Also in this version eclipse can open and close his mouth and also has a tongue. So there was an accident that damaged y/n really bad to wear there right eye is broken and pretty much they hide it with there hair. Please give me ideas, you can send requests and I can say you requested or you didn't.
Y/ns pov
I feel eclipse get out of bed to do whatever he does when he gets up. How did I end up hear. He fixed me out of pure boredom. And I fell for him, I love him but sometimes it feels like he doesn't love me. I sit up in bed and look around the room to see if he's in there, he's not. I get up and walk towards the kitchen to see if he's in there, he is.
"Hey," I say, I walk over to him and stand next to him.
"Hey, did I wake you," he asks looking at me.
"No I was already up."
"Good," he puts a hand on the side of my face and kisses me.
"What are you doing today."
"I'm going to send sun and moon to a different dimension."
"I don't know, why."
"I was wondering if we could watch a movie or something."
"Listen, I love you but not tonight."
"Ok, I'm going to clean."
I walked to the bedroom and start to clean. After an hour I finish the bedroom. I decided I'm going to clean the bathroom next. As I'm wiping down the sink the towel we have on the mirror falls down. I look at my reflection, tears start to fall down my cheeks. I put my right hand up to my right eye that doesn't work, the whole right side of my face is pretty much shaded. I look at my self and start to shake, I bring both of my fists up above my head and bring them down and smash the mirror. I fall to the ground crying I don't relize how much time passes because the next thing I hear is eclipse open the front door.
"Y/n, I'm home if you want we can watch a movie," he calls out for me, "maybe there taking a nap or just in our room."
He walks towards the bedroom passing the bathroom, he steps on some that breaks underneath his weight. He looks to see what he stepped on. Once he sees that it's a piece of a mirror he knows what's happening. He slams the bathroom door open quickly looking for me he rushes over to me and hugs me.
"Hey, hey, hey, its ok I'm here, I'm here," eclipse says to me, "I'm not leaving."
"Why not I'm hideous," I cry out holding him tight as if he would disappear.
"Because, I love you, and nothing can keep you from me, nothing."
"That's not what you said yesterday, you said that I could just leave and you wouldn't care."
"I know I didn't mean any of that, I love you, please believe me, I can't lose you to."
Eclipse stars hold me tight as if I would leave.
"Can we go to bed," I ask him.
"Yeah," eclipse picks me up and brings me to bed and lays down with me as we drift to sleep.
The end
I'm thinking of turning this one shot into a actual story. Let me know if I should.

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