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The story begins at a tower where someone was on the phone. Looking at them was a man with silver hair and fancy clothing.

Lucifer Kotomaine

Lucifer: More time? Mr

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Lucifer: More time? Mr. Powers, I think you misunderstand-the offer is ending today... No, that is not a bluff, that is a direct threat. If you do not comply, the collapse of the economy will be on your head. I will make sure you are hated, and that no one will ever trust you or speak your name. (Soon smiles after hearing the answer) Very good, Mr. Powers. I'm glad we've come to an agreement. We'll discuss business further this Friday.

He hangs up, and soon enters a woman with long black hair and black clothing.


Semiramis: How was it?

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Semiramis: How was it?

Lucifer: Excellent. Another business soon to be under our rule.

He stands up and approaches her. The two then embrace as they look at each other.

Semiramis: You've always had a way with words, my dear.

Lucifer: As if there was any doubt. Our goal is in reach, and once we unlock the Grail, the world will soon be my bitch.

He goes to kiss her, but her direction changes to the window showing the city outside.

Lucifer: What's wrong?

Semiramis: (turns to face the distance) A loose end. The black one is still out there.

Lucifer: You're still on about that? The fractions have already been formed, as well as the servants in training. We're more then ready to kill this "black one." Besides, red and white were easily dealt with.

Looking over, they see a trophy wall of his. There were various weapons on cases, pieces of clothing with symbols on them hung up, and other various trinkets. His most prized was a red gauntlet with a green gem and gold spikes, and a pair of white and blue wings that hung up for all to see.

Semiramis: Yes, those two were finally put in their place, along with their masters. However, the other two are much more then them. As long as they're out there, this war is at risk.

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