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The scene shows the afternoon, a few hours after the events of the prologue, with Spartacus standing in a boxing rink with a microphone in his hands.

Spartacus: Hey, New Student! You listening?! You're wanted dead for disrespecting Lady Ruth! As a chance for you to save your ass, I'm challenging you to a fight to the death! If you don't, then you and your little friend will be hunted down!

The large crowd began cheering, and Gilgamesh approaches the giant.

Gilgamesh: Going through a lot of trouble to get a pesky mongrel, aren't you?

Spartacus: I have no choice. If I fail again, Lady Ruth will take away my magic circuits. And without them, I'll be nothing.

From a distance, the rest of the council watched from up high.

Scáthach: The poor fool is this desperate?

Cleopatra: I'm not even sure that the student will show up.

Hercules: Don't hold your breath. He is a fighter, and will come.

Scáthach: What's your take, Sigurd?

Sigurd: ...

Scáthach: Understandable.

Back at the arena, the giant yells again.

Spartacus: This is your last warning, newbie! Face me here and now!

???: Dude, you don't need to yell.

Turning around, they see Bennett wearing a cloak as he walks up to the ring. He enters, and the two stand off.

Spartacus: So, you have the guts to come and face me.

Bennett: Only reason I am here is because you won't shut up.

Spartacus: (smirks) No honor or nobility from you. I will enjoy crushing your bones!

The large man runs over to throw a punch, but Bennett jumps up and flips over him. At first, he was mostly just dodging and avoiding strikes, which caused Spartacus to be irritated.

Spartacus: I called you here to fight, not dance! Show me some spine!

Bennett finally stops, and Spartacus took that as his chance to strike him. He does, and the force destroys the cloak. However, Bennett was fast enough to block the blade with his gauntlet, and they see his appearance. He was wearing a red and black outfit with a skull mask, and his right eye was red.

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