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The scene shows Bennett asleep on the couch. It's been just a couple days since the events of Bennett's first appearance at the academy, and thanks to his demonstration on a Berserker, people were looking at him like he was the next big target. Shino soon enters the room and finds him.

Shino: Ben, wake up.

Bennett: (snores)

Shino: (sighs) This again?

She then goes to the other side of the couch, and practically yanks him off and he falls to the ground.

Bennett: (groans) Why do you hate sleep?

Shino: It's a school day. Get up, and get ready.

Bennett: (sarcastic and stands up) Yeah, nothing like getting ready for the endless death threats and fangirls fanning over me.

After getting breakfast and dressed, they were approaching the main building. Thanks to his reputation, the students had mixed reactions with the girls fanning over him, and guys being either scared of him, or wanting him dead.

Bennett: Geese, if I knew this would be what it's like here, I would've just considered staying home.

Shino: Yeah, well, since you don't plan on leaving soon, you better get used to it.

They arrive to the main courtyard. People of course were gossiping, and the duo did their best to ignore them. However, that soon ended when Ben suddenly knocked away a speeding projectile that headed straight to Shino.

Bennett: (sees the ball on the ground) A tennis ball?

Shino: Incoming!

A whole bunch more came at them, and they dodge outta the way. Once they recover, they look to see that were fired by a woman dressed in tennis attire.

Girl: So, the new boy and his master are back.

Bennett: And you are?

Jayda: Jayda Simmons, medium-level magic circuit president of the tennis club. You two are marked for attacking one of our members.

Bennett: What? When was this?

Jayda: One of the girls who was interrogating Asada there.

Shino: Ben didn't attack her, just told her to back off.

Jayda: Doesn't matter. You two are already marked for death, so I'm doing a favor and finishing you all off! (Gets in a stance) 100 tennis serve!

A bunch of players behind her then serve their balls, and launched them right at Ben and Shino. They managed to dodge most of them, but Ben used himself as a shield to keep others from hitting Shino.

Bennett: These things pack a punch. What kind of balls are these?

Shino: Clocktower's. They personally make all their equipment out of the best materials.

Bennett: Of course they do.

They stop, and he gets in a stance.

Bennett: Alright, Agares! Let's do this!

Nothing happened.

Bennett: Uh, Agares, chop-chop!

The gauntlet doesn't respond, nor does it appear.

Shino: Ben, what's wrong?

Bennett: I don't know, he's not responding!

Jayda: Oh what's this? The big tough dragon's having problems?

Bennett: Shut up! I don't need a gauntlet to kick your ass!

He goes charging it, but that was a mistake as they hit him again with the tennis balls. It sends him into Shino, and sends the two out of the academy.

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