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The scene shows some time after the battle between the dragons. Bennett and Shino were back at her apartment as Ben was sitting down and Shino was helping him patch his injuries.

Bennett: Damn, that hurts.

Shino: I'd be surprised if it didn't. You're lucky you don't have too many broken bones. Still, you're gonna need some better help.

A knock is suddenly heard, and both are surprised and a bit cautious. Since they actively declared war on the school, they were anticipating every student to gun for them. So, they felt that today was the day. However, it might not be the case from the voice on the other side.

Suguha: (from outside the door) Hello? Shino, Bennett, you guys home? Ms. D'Arc sent me to check on you guys.

Shino then stands up to check on it. Bennett tries to follow, but Shino stops him. She checks through the peep hole in the door, and opens it to see her classmate.

Shino: Suguha, hey.

Suguha: Hey. Do you mind if I come in?

Shino: Uh, sure.

She steps aside and the girl enters. Once she sees Bennett, she's genuinely surprised by his injuries.

Suguha: Dang, you had it rough.

Bennett: No shit.

Suguha: Believe it or not, you actually got off easy. I've heard Dragon Knight does way more damage to his enemies. But, I'm guessing it's also from the armor. Lucky for you, I brought a healer to help. Caster!

From her side, a servant appeared from astral form. She had long white hair, blue eyes, a long white dress, and a blue winter cloak on her shoulders.

Anastasia, Caster of Red

Anastasia, Caster of Red

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Anastasia: Hello. Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, Caster of Red, at your service. (Sees Bennett) You must be the new servant. (Checks his injuries) Oh my, this is all just from using your sacred gear? I'm amazed you're still breathing. (Smiles) Don't worry, though, I'll have you up in a jippie.

She uses her magic and casts a healing spell. Ben's body glows in gold and green, and felt all his bones restored, cuts closed up with no scars, and his bruises dismissed.

Bennett: (relieved) Phew, that feels so much better. Thanks.

Anastasia: (smiles) You're welcome. I never met a pseudo servant like you before, so I'm glad to be the first servant to properly meet you.

Bennett: (stands up) Likewise, I guess.

Suguha: There's actually another reason we're here. Ms. D'Arc wanted to invite you over to meet the rest of the Red Clan.


Later on, they were at a house that was in the outskirts of the academy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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