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When Solana was younger, before she had real adult problems, she would spend the majority of her days traveling the world with her father for his races. You could say she was one—if not the biggest of his supporters.

Solana thoroughly enjoyed being present throughout her father's career, but also being young and naive, she didn't fully comprehend the life altering dangers that came with Motorsport racing. That was until the day her father crashed and nearly lost his life during the Spanish Grand Prix.

That same day, both the driver and actress were humbled. The accident was a reminder for Sergio and a wake up call for Solana. Looking back at that day, now as an adult, she was sort of glad to have witnessed the crash on television and not in person. Solana knew that if her father had died that day and she was there to witness it in person, it would have ruined her for life.

Now with being a full time actress, Solana didn't have much time out of the year to travel the world to physically support her father during his races. It was only when he was nearby her filming location or she was on break that she was able to see him, but that was maybe only close to 3 times a year.

Of course, when she could, she never wasted the opportunity to watch the race in her trailer when she wasn't busy on set. If she couldn't watch it, she would either go on Instagram or search the internet for the race results, and she would either send a congratulatory text or a supportive text to her father depending on the results.

Seeing as filming for the 3rd season of her hit show had just wrapped two weeks prior to the second race of the 2023 season, she was able to attend the Saudi Arabian Grand Prix this year.

Solana was walking along the enclosed Paddock area that was out of reach from the public in search of her father's motor home. Sergio knew Solana was going to attend the second race of the year, but not that she had already arrived and was in the immediate vicinity.

After a good few minutes of searching, Solana found her father's motor home. It was hard to miss his name that was plastered on his door in big and bold letters.

Solana walked up to the door of the motor home and knocked on the door. She waited for a response but got none. She knocked again, this time louder, thinking that he might not have heard her, but again, she got no response.

Confused, Solana reached for the doorknob to enter the motor home but not before announcing her presence. "Apá, soy yo, Solana. Voy a entrar."

Translation: "Dad, it's me, Solana. I'm coming in."

She braced herself before entering the room, not wanting to be scarred with a sight that not even bleach could remove, but upon entering the room she found that it was vacant.

Granted, his belongs were present and scattered all throughout the small room but he physically wasn't. Solana pulled out her phone to text her father but was interrupted by someone entering the room soon after her.

"Sergio, I thought you were supposed to..." Solana knew that Australian accent all too well. It belonged to her good friend Daniel Ricciardo.

"Lana?!" Daniel halted in place, looking at his good mate in both confusion and surprise.

"Danny?" Lana questioned him in just as much surprise. After hearing the terrible and shocking news that Red Bull didn't offer him one of the two seats this season, she didn't expect him to be around as often.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned her, confused.

"What, you're not happy to see me?" Solana jokingly questioned him, mocking the tone of betrayal.

"Of course I am." Danny protested with a toothy smile before approaching her and pulling her into an embrace. His long arms wrapped around her whole body while the side of her face was buried into his chest due to their height difference.

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