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After two eight hour flights, Solana had safely landed in Los Angeles. She was grateful for the baggage claim process not being much of a hassle, seeing as her flight wasn't as full as it usually was.

Another thing Solana was grateful for was for the fact that her good friend Florencia was picking her up from the airport. She didn't quite have the patience to wait around for an Uber that would undeniably get lost.

"Oh, I definitely need to go to Saudi Arabia, especially if you look like that after two flights." Florencia teased Solana as she approached her with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Solana confusingly questioned Florencia as she came to a halt before her.

"You're literally glowing." Florencia complimented her.

Florencia knew Solana well enough to know when she was both content and discontent, so to her, something good must have definitely happened on her trip to make her look so content with life.

"Oh, shut up! I'm not. It was just a good trip." Solana dismissed her with a wave of her hand.

"Well, I'm glad you had fun." The red head stated, content with hearing that her friend enjoyed her short break from work.

"I'm glad you're back." Florencia sincerely stated before embracing Solana.

"Me too." Solana stated in agreement.

"Should we grab something to eat while you tell me all about your trip?" Florencia suggested before opening the trunk of her car and helping Solana lift her luggage into it.

"Sounds like a plan." Solana stated in agreement before closing the trunk of her friends car and approaching the passenger seat.

The two women shared a love for both sushi and teriyaki, so they went to a local restaurant that they knew had both items on the menu since they frequently visited it.

"Tell me absolutely everything about your trip. I want to know every last detail." Florencia ecstatically stated over their meal, causing Solana to lightly chuckle.

"Okay. Well, I landed on Friday afternoon just before the practice so, I greeted a few people before I went back to my hotel. I didn't really do much besides that on Friday." Solana informed her friend.

"How come?" Florencia curiously questioned her friend before placing a sushi roll into her mouth.

"I was supposed to have dinner with my dad, but he cancelled on me last minute cause he wanted to go out with his team instead." Solana informed her with a frown, still feeling a bit disappointed about the situation, but also feeling a bit relieved now that she could express her feelings to someone that would wholeheartedly listen to her.

Florencia immediately had an angry look on her face. "That's so unfair! You literally went out there for him and he just blows you off like some lame frat guy? Unbelievable." Florencia questioned her in disbelief.

Solana didn't take much offense to how Florencia spoke about her father cause she knew that Florencia had no ill intentions against him, she was just looking out for her friend.

"I know, but what am I gonna do about it now?" Solana sarcastically questioned her, shrugging her shoulders.

"So, you stayed at the hotel the whole Friday night? Nothing else happened?" Florencia questioned her.

Something else did happened. Solana had just remembered about the shower incident with Max.

Solana looked at Florencia, hesitantly. She was contemplating on whether or not she should bring it up to her friend. She didn't want to mention it cause it seemed so insignificant and didn't mean anything to her, but if it truly meant nothing to her, why did she find herself thinking about it as much as she did?

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