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It was eight o'clock on a Thursday morning when Solana found herself walking down the hallway of her hotel floor with an ice bucket under her arm.

Florencia and Solana had ordered room service for breakfast, and they needed ice for their drinks, so Solana volunteered to grab some for them from the ice machine that was located at the end of the hallway.

Solana halted before the ice machine and pressed the stainless steel bucket up against the sensor on the machine before ice began pouring out and into the bucket.

The brunette hummed a random tune to herself whilst she patiently waited for the bucket to fill up, before removing it from the sensor and placing the lid back on top of the bucket.

With bucket in hand, Solana turned around to walk back to her hotel room, but she jolted backwards with a gasp in fear upon seeing someone standing before her.

She hadn't heard or seen Max approaching her from behind because of the noise that was caused by both the whirring machine and ice when it was falling into the bucket.

"Max, you scared me!" Solana exclaimed, her hand instinctively reaching for her chest, feeling her racing heart beneath her fingers.

"Sorry. I wasn't quite sure how to get your attention without scaring you." Max apologized, attempting to hide the smile that was threatening to spread across his lips.

"A simple tap on the shoulder probably would have sufficed, but then again, I probably would have still gotten scared." Solana sarcastically stated with a chuckle.

"What's with the ice? Are you hurt?" Max questioned her, concern evident in his tone.

"No, I'm okay." Solana instantly reassured him, seeing how his eyes were repeatedly scanning her from head to toe for any possible sign of injury.

"Flo and I ordered some room service and we needed ice for our drinks." Solana informed him, causing him to visibly relax.

Max mentally cursed at himself for such irrational thinking. Evidently, if she was hurt, she wouldn't be at the ice machine unattended.

"How about you? Isn't there an ice machine on your side—aren't you supposed to be at the track for media day?" Solana confusingly questioned him.

"That was a lot of questions." Max chuckled.

"The ice is for my dad, and I have to use this one cause the ice machine on my side isn't working. I was also just heading out after this." Max informed her.

"Alright. Well, I'll leave you to it, so that you don't run late." Solana dismissed herself.

"Yeah." Max nodded his head with a smile, which Solana gladly returned.

Solana maneuvered her way around Max and began to make her way back toward her hotel room, but before she could, Max's voice caused her to halt in place and turn around to look back at him.

'It was now or never.' Max thought to himself, internally building up his courage.

"Do you maybe wanna have dinner with me tonight?" Max questioned her, nervously fiddling with the ice bucket under his arm.

"What?" Solana heard the question loud and clear, but it hadn't registered in her mind what he was asking her.

"Never mind! You're probably really busy hanging out with Florencia." Max shook his head in embarrassment, mentally cursing at himself for even asking for such a thing from her. In his eyes, she had better people to keep her company and even better ways to spend her free time.

"No, I'd love to!" Solana protested, attempting not to sound too eager when accepting his offer.

"What did you have in mind?" She curiously questioned him.

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