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Having only known Max for less than two months, Solana still felt guilty about lying to him.

It was easy to hide a secret over text, but every time she was on a call with him, she found herself itching to confess one of her biggest secrets to him.

This grand and innocent secret of hers that she fought so hard to keep was that she was going to Miami for the Grand Prix.

Solana wasn't the only one on a flight to Miami; her best friend, Florencia, came with her to keep her company. The redhead just couldn't refuse the offer to attend her very first motorsports race.

Like the good friend Florencia was, after much teasing, Solana was adamant with the fact that she wasn't going to Miami for Max, but subconsciously, she knew she was only lying to herself.

The five hour flight from Los Angeles to Miami wasn't as bad as either of the women had expected. It actually felt like it was less than the actual estimated flight time if any thing.

After the pair of friends had landed at the Miami airport, they grabbed their luggages from the baggage claim and headed towards the exit of the airport.

The women had a driver waiting for them and they headed straight to their hotel so that they could leave their belongings in a secure place and not have to lug them around.

"So, have you told Max you're here yet?" Florencia questioned Solana as soon as they entered their air conditioned hotel room.

"Not yet. I don't even know how to tell him. What if he thinks it's weird that I'm here?" Solana nervously questioned Florencia as she closed and locked the door behind them.

"Ahah!" Florencia suddenly exclaimed as if she had just solved one of the world's greatest mysteries, causing Solana to jolt in shock at her friends suddenness.

"I knew you were here for Max. I fucking knew it!" Florencia victoriously exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Solana.

Solana mentally cursed at herself. There was no way she was getting out of this, but nevertheless, she tried her best.

"Well, we're friends. Of course I'd want to see him." She stated in a nonchalant tone.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Florencia sarcastically stated, not believing her for even a second, causing Solana to playfully roll her eyes.

"Anyways, I actually made this plan with Daniel. I told him I was coming down to Miami and that I wanted to surprise our friend Max." Solana made sure to emphasize the platonic phrase, causing Florencia to playfully roll her eyes at her friends stubbornness.

"So, him and I made this plan where he was going to make lunch reservations at the hotel restaurant for the both of them, but really, it's just for Max and I." Solana explained to her friend, contradicting her own words.

"Oh, and you're not here to see Max?" Florencia sarcastically questioned Solana, catching her in the same lie, once again.

"Flo." Solana stated in a warning tone, giving her a pointed look.

Florencia raised her hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Well, I hope everything goes according to plan with your friend." she sarcastically stated with an exaggerated emphasis, mocking Solana.

"Thank you." Solana nodded her head, thankful for the fact that her friend was unwillingly dropping the subject.

"I'm gonna go freshen up a bit since I'm meeting him downstairs in about an hour." Solana informed her friend who nodded her head in response before laying down on their living room couch.

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