Awkward meetings, Awkwarder Greetings

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Tam was standing in the corner of his room. The dirty, old room he was forced to call home. It had carpeted floors, which looked like they withstood years and years of coffee stains. The wall's what was meant to be cream coloured paint was pealing. The room was covered in dry leaves, all thanks to the broken window that opened to the whole room. It had a cardboard box in the corner, which Tam used to store his few clothes and Neverseen cloak. He often tried to use his shadows to block the scorching sunlight but would quickly become exhausted. Tam wished every day that he could escape the prison he suffered in for years, but he knew better. It wouldn't work. It didn't work. Tam forced himself to block out the memory and focus on something else. His eyes wandered to the corner of the room had he put his trinkets. Tam would never admit it, but he was pretty into collecting. Especially when it came to human trinkets. The little figures might have smelt of garbage, but they meant the world to him. As the humans said, one man's trash is another man's collectable. Tam was talking to one of his figurines (the one in which said 'Naruto') when he heard the doorknob turn. He quickly threw the cloak he was wearing on what Tam swore 'weren't toys' and slunk back to his corner. Out of all the things he was thinking would happen, a boy crashing into the room was one he didn't think of.

The boy was soaking. His buttery blonde hair formed clumps and stuck to his face. But the feature that Tam found himself staring at were his startling, ice blue eyes. It took a second before he looked back at Tam.

"Tam, this is your new roommate, Keefe Sencen. And Keefe, this is Tam Song. Introduction, introduction." They said in a bored tone. "I'm going to go now, and there had better not be any trouble, got it?" The two nodded as what Tam assumed to be Keefe's captor shut the door.

"Tam, huh?" This boy, Keefe, said to Tam. "Not a bad name. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut, we need a better one. Also, I'm questioning the bangs. I love the colour silver and all, but dying hair? Nah, I much prefer Hunkyhair's legendary style." He said, tearing his hand through his hair. "Hmmm. HEY. I have an idea. Since you have those weird bangs, let's call you Bangs Boy. Hunkyhair and Bangs Boy. Yeah, I could get used to that."

Tam scowled. Within a minute of meeting Keefe, and Tam already wanted to strangle him. No amount of blonde hair and icy blue eyes could make up for that.

"It's Tam." He gritted through his teeth. "To everyone, especially to you."

"Aww, am I that special? I knew I was amazing and all, but someone falling for me the moment we meet. That's a new record. Next thing you know, you'll be drawing little pink hearts all over my cloak. And by the way, If I get silver bangs as well, does that mean we could be Bangs Buddies?" He asked, way too excited.

"First of all, no. To all of it." Tam clarified. "And second, if I were drawing hearts one anyone's cloak, they would be silver ones."

"Ah of course, got to respect the vibe." Keefe said. "And hey, what's that pile of stuff over there? You know, the one covered with the cloak?" He said, pointing to the dark corner where Tam's treasures lay.

"NOTHING." He said standing in front of them to assert dominance.

"Chill, Bangs Boy. I'm not going to take it. Or at least I wasn't. I need to know what's under there. Now." Tam shook his head. "Bangsie, you wound me. I thought you were meant to love me with everything in you and let me see your things."

"Not. In. The. Least." He glared. No way he was going to 'love' this stupid, ignorant boy. The door opened. Two things were tossed at Tam's face, but only because Keefe ducked.

"That's Keefe's mat, which he'll be sleeping on." Keefe's captor explained. "And again, no fighting, no arguing, or else." The door shut eerily after the captor walked out.

"Sooooo." Keefe said, obviously to pass the time. "And they were roo-" Tam rolled his eyes.

They both sat down. Tam near to his trinkets, and Keefe near the sunlight. Tam couldn't pull out the figurines and start talking to them. No, now he had a real person for that. A very annoying real person for that.

"So," Tam started.

"AWWW. Are you trying to conversate with me?" Keefe squealed, like a little girl. "Okay, let me help. Step one: Tell me my hair is amazing, as always."

Tam snorted. "That's ripe coming from someone soaking wet."

"Hmmmmm, your right." Keefe mused. Oh good. Maybe he was going to shut up. "Which is why I'll need your hair advice. And products." Nah, shutting up would be too good to be true.

"Yeah, right. Like I'd give you my products. There's nothing to give anyway. Only shampoo. And my special hair conditioner. For me. And advice? Don't get your hair get tangled. That's it." Tam said, matter-of-factly.

"You got it, Bangsie." Keefe said, pointing finger guns.

Once again, the door opened. Ugh. The Neverseen really needed to get themselves organized.

"Tam, it has been decided that you need to take Keefe for a tour around the campus. And don't worry, there's a dome covering the grounds. It prevents you from both seeing the outside world and trying to go into it."

"What?!" I have to take him to a tour around the campus?" Tam complained as Keefe flexed his muscles.

"Yes." The Neverseen member said. It was a different one this time, and Tam knew they wouldn't tolerate any more complaints, and quietly walked out the door.

"Come on, Keefe." Tam said.

"Yeah, nah. It's WAY more fun in here, with your mystery pile." Keefe said, tiptoeing toward it.

"Keefe." Tam said, both scared and annoyed. That Neverseen member was gripping her sword rather tightly.

"Keefe!" Tam said when Keefe ignored him. Tam reached out and grabbed his hand. For a second it stopped. All of it. Everything sat still, as if for the two of them. Blissful. Happy. That second ended. Tam used his other hand to tug on his bangs. He dragged Keefe out of the room and walked around the campus. First the hallways, then the outside grounds, then gain more hallways. Tam mumbled the whole way through. Keefe didn't seem like he was listening. He was staring at the Balefire lit torches. Just staring. And staring. And staring. Tam wasn't sure what he was thinking about.

"Keefe?" Tam called. Keefe ignored him. "KEEFE." Keefe whipped around. His expression was so complex, he doubted an empath could read it.

"You, um, okay?" Tam asked. Yeah, now he got why people used to say he was bad at caring. At least he was trying. "You're a bit... distracted."

"I'm fine." Keefe said quietly, turning again to face the torches, as if they were the love of his life. Tam knew not to push at it but needed to know what made him so quiet (not to use it against him though).

"You can tell me." Tam tried. Keefe laughed half-heartedly.

"Nothing much, just a little homesick."

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