Movie Night

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Tam blinked. He didn't know what to say to all of that. He was overwhelmed, sad, and angry. So, so angry. Keefe looked like he was about to start bawling all over the floor. Tam couldn't look into his teary, ice blue eyes. He was biting his lip. His hair wasn't styled. And it was clear that his heart was breaking. All over again. Tam did the only thing that would make him feel better in this situation. He hugged Keefe. Keefe seemed surprised, but he soon sank into the hug, soaking it up, and hopefully all the care and fondness Tam was giving him. It wouldn't fix all Keefe's problems. But it would help him cope with them better.

They let go from the hug, and when Tam saw Keefe's face, it was the deepest shade of red he had ever seen. Tam felt something. Immediately. Fluttery. Tam shut down any ideas of what that could be.

"Thank you." Keefe finally whispered. His voice was hoarse, but there was a smile on his face. Not his signature smirk. A smile. A sad but genuine smile. Tam smiled back.

"You're welcome, Hunkyhair. You deserve it." Keefe looked at him for a second with the most gratefulness Tam had ever seen, before turning on Keefe mode.

"AWWWW. I knew it! You LOVE me." Keefe said, squealing like how Tam imagined Biana to. Actually, Biana's scream wouldn't be SO high pitched.

"Ha ha, very funny Hunkyhair. Very funny." Tam didn't want to go full emo mode on him quite yet. For some reason, he enjoyed seeing Keefe so excited.

"I know, I know. No need to mention it, Bangs Boy. Actually, keep it coming." Keefe said.

The night soon came, but Tam wasn't sleepy in the least. Neither was Keefe apparently. Just then Keefe's face lit up.

"Tammy! When I first arrived here, I brought something with me. A television!" Keefe said. Tam had no idea what that was.

"Do you remember the person who captured me?"

"Yeah." Tam said. He had seen them so many times, but no idea anything about them.

"They took my television away, for checking, or something. Do you know where they might have kept it?"

It was Tam's face's turn to light up. "Yeah! I know the way, and I'm pretty sure we'll be able to get this television of yours."

Tam led Keefe through some hallways. They left the first building and went to the second. Then the third. The fourth building was the smallest one. Tam and Keefe walked through more hallways. They were cleaner. There were even pictures on the walls. Not of the Neverseen, just random sunflowers, and pretty pink blossoms.
They reached a room. There was a sign on it, '44' in bright red. Tam opened the door. No lock, nothing.

There was more stuff inside than Tam remembered. A rectangle covered in coloured plastic, and if Tam read it right, it said 'Twinkies'. Other stuff was also scattered around. A huge black-and-white thing, which, when Keefe pressed it, made a sound. Keefe pressed it more, and more sound. Then Keefe saw it.

"There!" Keefe said. He pointed to a large black box, which had a rectangle with buttons placed to it. Wow, humans really LOVED their rectangles.

Keefe pulled it by the cable, but it made too much noise. He tried to use his telekinesis, but the rectangle was too heavy. Tam rolled his eyes and helped Keefe with his telekinesis.

They managed to make it back to their room with no one seeing them. When they finally set the thing down, they heard a knock at the door. Tam panicked and threw his cloak over the box. Keefe opened the door, revealing Dex, Biana, Maruca, and Marella standing there. Tam breathed a sigh of relief. He uncovered the huge box.
"Yeah, we saw you bring it here." Biana said. "And whatever it is, we're doing it too."
Dex figured out how to make the television work without a cable, and how to make it play on this thing Keefe called 'Disney+'.

They pushed the two mats together, and Marella rushed back to get her blanket. When she returned,

"Sooooooo, what are we watching?" Marella asked. Keefe started listing names like 'Turning Red' and 'Encanto'. But then he gasped. "'Spiderman: No Way Home.'" he decided. Biana gave him a weird look. You could tell she would rather watch the doll in pink, sparkly clothes and the dreamhouse. "If you haven't watched this then you haven't LIVED." Keefe replied to the look. The rest of them complied as Dex put on the movie.

Tam never thought he'd cry so much in his life. He was bawling and using Marella's blanket to wipe his tears. A few tears slipped down Marella's face.

"Need a tissue, Bangsie?" Keefe smirked.

"AUNT MAY!" He said, wiping the tears that kept falling. "An-and Peter Parker and MJ are PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER."

"You know who else would be perfect for each other?" Keefe said, flashing the smuggest smile Tam had ever seen. He shook his head.

The movie ended before they knew it, and because of Keefe's 'super awesome convincing skills' they watched another. The movie they chose was Turning Red. It was fairly light-hearted, and whenever 4-Town would sing, they would turn up the volume and sing along.

"Woooow, Tammy. Didn't know you could sing." Keefe said, ruffling his hair, or at least trying to.

"Dude, what kind of hair conditioner do you use? Your hair is like, stiff as an armour."
Tam rolled his eyes. Biana and Marella were trying not to burst out laughing right then. Dex's dimples made an appearance. Maruca looked deep in thought, staring at Tam while looking back and forth at the screen and Tam.

Maruca looked at the screen again, which was focussed on a movie called 'She's the Man'.

"What's your surname, Tam?" She asked.

"Song." He replied, feeling disgusted at his last name. "Why?"

"I know your sister. Linh Song."

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