I'm Coming Out

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"Oh? Finally, back," Keefe said, avoiding eye contact. "How was your date?"

"Not a date," Tam sighed. "But we did figure out how to get rid of the ripples."

Keefe sat up straight. "Woah, what? So, you'll be able to get rid of it?"

Tam nodded. "Yeah, but the instructions were kind of unclear. But I'm sure I can work with it.

"That's awesome!" Keefe clapped his hands. He wanted to hug Tam. "Okay, let's get to sleep and we can think about this tomorrow."

Tam lay down on his mat, facing the roof. Old rainwater stains patterned the roof, making it look like multiple coffee spills. Keefe lay on his side, facing Tam.

A cold wind chilled them both. Keefe, now asleep, subconsciously wrapped his arm around Tam, pulling him in a tight hug. His grogginess and his strange dream didn't let him see Tam's blush, or the way Tam hugged him back.

Morning arrived with warm sunlight pouring through the window. Keefe awoke first and found himself tangled with Tam in their mats. Keefe pulled away, warmth spreading all over his body.

"You know, Bangs Boy, if you liked me so much, you could've just asked me out," Keefe's voice was meant to be teasing, but it came out hopeful. Tam awoke with a groan.

"Funny, since you were the one who hugged me last night," Tam huffed. Keefe turned red.

"Fair, fair," Keefe put his arms in the air. "Truce?"


Tam and Keefe both got ready. They wrapped themselves in their cloaks and clicked their invisibility gadgets on. Soon, Tam's face disappeared from sight. Keefe frowned to himself. As much as they had their rivalry, they had a great relationship.

"Hey, Dex," Keefe said, plopping down on the floor of Dex's room. Dex stumbled back.

"I really need to get used to those devices." Dex huffed. "Is anyone with you, Keefe?"

"Yeah, I am," Tam turned off his device. Keefe followed suit.

"Any news?" Dex said. "I'm just trying to figure out some gadgets for us and decode human technology. Their miniscule brain capacity is fascinating."

Keefe and Tam exchanged glances.

"We do have something, actually." Keefe said. He explained Tam's finding, Dex soaking up the information with wide eyes and jaw on the floor.

"That's insane! Get Ro here, we can do it right now!" Dex said, closing his human laptop device.

"Hold on," Tam said. "If we do it right now, the Neverseen might figure out that we know, and they'll make it harder for us to escape. No, right now, we need find a way to escape, and then go."

Dex sighed and opened up his laptop again. "Alright. Tam, you should probably go to Linh's room. She needs you there. She told me something, but I can't remember. Keefe, you can stay and help me."

"Okay, bye Keefe, Dex," Tam said, his voice cordial. He clicked away from sight and left the room. Dex let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, he's gone," Dex said. Keefe stared at him in confusion. "Sorry, I just needed him out of the room so I can talk to you." A sheepish smile filled Dex's face. "It's about that room under the canteen."

"Oh, sure," Keefe took off his cloak. "Go on,"

"Well, I was thinking about those designs," said Dex slowly. "Those diagrams. It's for a weapon, which we already know, but me and Maruca have been talking.

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