Questions, Questions, Weird and Not Wonderful Answers

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Tam stared at the figure. She was petite, and blonde. She had a certain determination in her eyes that he had only seen once before: Keefe.

"Join? You?" Tam asked. "Why? Aren't you part of the Neverseen already?"

"Why?" Keefe said. "Why should we trust you."

"If you don't, I'll tell the rest of the order." She threatened. "And, I also have... connections."

"What kind of connections?" Keefe asked.

"My father is one of the heads of the order." She confessed.

"WHAT?" Keefe said, as if he read my mind.

"Yeah. Fintan Pyren." She spoke. "There are other leaders, but my dad's one who could probably tip the scale, if you know what I mean."

Tam couldn't believe it. Until now, he thought there was no way to escape. He thought he would be stuck in this prison his entire life. Doomed to hurt people, so that... No. Tam didn't think of that. It was the time to.

"You're in." Tam said.

"WHAT?" Keefe said, for reasons Tam could not fathom. "So, Blondie here sashays her way into this room, threatens to EXPOSE us, then tell us some RANDOM 'my father is the leader of the Neverseen' crap, and you... believe it?" Keefe looked so unnecessarily disgusted, that Tam wanted to punch him.

"My name is Marella, not Blondie." She spoke. "Marella Redek."

"HA, their last names don't even match!" Keefe said, triumphantly. "Don't tell me you still believe Ms. Daddy's Little Princess."

"My last name is from my mother." Marella said calmly. "And, if you'd seen my father, it would be clear we're related, even though he's an ancient."

"WHAT." Keefe said, for like the billionth time in this conversation. Why was he so against Marella joining the escape?

"H-He's an ancient." Keefe repeated, in total shock. "An-and you're, as in you," Keefe pointed at her. "His daughter."

"Yes." Marella said. It was clear that she was becoming annoyed with Keefe questioning. She took a step closer. "I get that this can be weird for you but get over it. I'm coming with you, and if it's Shadowflux lessons you want, you'll need me."

"Shadowflux lessons?" Tam and Keefe said in unison.

"Yes. Like I said, daughter of the leader." She said, smirking.

"You can join us." Tam said, before glaring at Keefe. "Right, Hunkyhair?"

"'Hunkyhair'?" she snorted. "Wow. Great nickname."

"Whatever." Keefe rolled his eyes. "And fine. You can join us. But this had better not be a mistake."

Marella nodded, after which she put her mask back on and quietly leaving the room. Keefe glared at Tam.

"Why did you let her join?" Keefe said. Tam swore his ice blue eyes flashed a fire brick red. But there was no warmth in them. Only anger. Tam didn't lose his cool.

"We were offered an opportunity to escape, and I took it."

"IT COULD BE A TRAP!" Keefe yelled.

"Seriously, Sencen?" Tam screamed. "let's weigh the options, okay? Either we take the chance of her setting us up and maybe escaping, or ratting us out, or we try to do it ourselves and probably get caught."

Keefe stayed silent. Not an 'I'm so sorry, I was wrong' silent. An 'I'll let you get away with this one' silent. Tam couldn't care less about different types of silences.

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