Chapter Thirty: Inner Barbies (18+)

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It was nine am when I awoke to the sound of Markus' alarm clock. My usual five am alarm had not gone off. My phone, while fully charged, was turned off. That sneaky bitch. He'd left me a message, at least, and it wasn't surprising to learn he'd left for work early today. Of course, he'd give me fewer hours only for him to work them himself.

I only had an hour between waking up and the beginning of my shift. Thankfully, I had a spare uniform in my locker at the gym because I didn't have the energy to go back to my flat to change. I didn't even have the energy to shower this morning. As long as I washed my face and brushed my teeth, it was a win. Though, to be honest, even washing my face seemed like too much.

I'm functioning so well as an adult.

I felt dehydrated as fuck; my throat was sore as hell and my eyes felt puffy and swollen. Naturally, I didn't drink anything before leaving that morning. Instead, I'd spent thirty minutes scrolling through twitter before forcing myself to get dressed and head straight out.

I looked like an absolute mess and it hadn't slipped my mind that I would hopefully talk to Markus about us dating today. So glad I look my absolute worst when I officially ask out the guy I'm obsessed with. 'So Markus, ever thought about dating a troll? No? Well, now's your chance! Pucker up, buddy!'

When I arrived at the gym, I took a few minutes to stand on the corner, just out of sight of the door, to take a few deep breaths and ready myself for the day. Markus and I had a lot to talk about and I wasn't sure when we would do it or if I was prepared for it. I knew I would have to tell him about Jarred soon, explain who he was to me and why I was so determined to help him. There was no other way to make him understand why I had worked myself so hard the past month.

The two minutes outside the gym easily stretched into five until I had to force myself inside, my feet dragging with every step. The glass door felt heavier than usual as I put my weight behind me to open it, a sickly feeling of stress churning in my stomach.

Four pairs of eyes swung my way as I stepped inside the reception area, freezing me momentarily on the spot. My pulse leapt in my throat. What the fuck was Jarred doing here, loitering around with Lynch, Andres and Alec?

"Well, you look a thousand times better this morning," Lynch greeted with a genuine smile. "I take it you actually got some sleep for once?"

I didn't answer him, my eyes fixed on my brother. He didn't look as sickly as he had the last time I saw him, and there didn't appear to be any fresh bruises. But he was still wearing that worn, oversized hoodie that drowned him in its fabric.

Beside him, Andres looked startled. He uttering a quiet, "Oh, shit," under his breath as the front door swung shut behind me. I noticed Alec edge closer to me, standing between Jarred and I.

"What the fuck have you done to your hair?" Jarred asked, gruffly, any surprise at the sight of me, directed at the pink mop of greasy hair I'd slicked back into a low bun.

Well, that was a much-needed boost to my self-esteem.

His familiar attitude broke me out of my surprise. With a glare directed at Jarred over Alec's shoulder, I stalked right past them all and snapped, "Don't be a dick."

"You two are a right pair," he continued, nodding to Alec and his purple hair. "You channelling your inner Barbies?"

Ignoring him, I stalked straight for my desk, where Markus was already waiting for me. "What's going on?" I asked hotly, caught off guard as I approached him. "Why's he here? Why are you all here?"

"Sorry, I thought we'd be done before you got here," Markus answered quietly, not elaborating as he stood and offered me his chair. I dropped my backpack into it instead, glancing at the full tub of chopped mixed fruit, yoghurt and granular, and a bottle of water on the desk with a frown. There was a neon yellow post-it note stuck to the tub with my name scrawled across it.

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