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"You still didn't say your birthday, you dumbass."

I texted Eryx again after realising I didn't get the info I texted him for. I was booking the train tickets and for that I needed his date of birth. There was no way I was taking a private jet again. First time and hopefully the last time I took it, it was boring as shit. It was pin drop silent there and everything was way too fancy there. For example they served us caviar as a snack like who eats caviar as a snack? Definitely not me.

And besides, I love train rides. It has been so long since I have been on a train. Last I took it, I was at the university I guess. And just like his message came.

"March 7th 2000"

Hmm..One year and two months younger than me. I saw him typing and all those weird sensations were back in my stomach. I can't get distracted now. I put my phone away and booked his ticket as well. I picked my phone as quickly as I put it away.

Repeating history? My brain whispered. It's not the same. I whispered back in my mind. Well...that one started like that too. I rolled my eyes at my own ridiculous thoughts.

"U r giving me too many nicknames, brownie.

Imma get you a white t-shirt to write em all down."

In reply I sent him a middle finger.

"U know u wouldn't."

God, this dude is unbelievable! This time I put my phone away for real. Did I do the right thing inviting him tomorrow? What if he starts calling me brownie in front of my family? all those weird butterfly sensation were turning into a black pit of nervousness in my stomach. Nah..I'm gonna deal with this tomorrow.


God what time was it? I looked over the watch and OH was already 12:53 pm. And I was just chopping the cucumber. It was not supposed to be stressful but it is. I don't know why I have this urge to impress him so much. I don't even care about the guy!

I quickly seasoned the salad with salt and pepper. I rechecked the dishes if everything was right. My mom made rice, roasted chicken and lamb chops while I made shrimp scampi, honey garlic salmon and steamed veggies. Also the salad and tiramisu for dessert. This was a tradition of our house whenever we have guests over. In this case it's just a guest.

"You don't wanna dress up a bit?" my mom asked me. Dress up? "Dress for what?" She frowned. "Well..since the future CEO is coming over I expect you to at least not to come in front of him with a t-shirt and sweatpants." she stated the obvious. I was a mess. My hair was a mess, so was my t-shirt. It was stained with oil and spices. So yea.. I definitely should get dressed up. Was I afraid of being judged by him?

No, of course not. You are the manager so you gotta look presentable. My brain whispered.

You know what, screw that guy. I'm just gonna be myself.

I put on the newly black oversized hoodie I bought with matching leggings. I put my hair in a low bun before putting the hood on, making sure my hair isn't showing. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Shit. My heart is beating. Way too fast.

I was about to open the door but my dad beat me to it. And there he was. With a big ass flower bouquet and a box of chocolate. He was looking...decent and handsome. Formal outfit.

"You must be Mr. Wahed. I'm Eryx. Nice to meet you, sir." He offered his hand to my dad.

His voice almost gave me goosebumps. Why is it gotta be so deep and ...intense?

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