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As I was leaving I was wondering if I should say bye to Eryx. I mean I totally should since he is my guest but I wasn't sure how. I was passing by the living room, making my way out. Our eyes met for a brief second. He was happy. I could see it in his eyes.

"Wait, brownie I mean Duaa, where are you going? I mean are you leaving?" My eyes slightly widened but thank god dad wasn't there. It was just Alif who seemed to be lost in his own world after he came back from the kitchen. So I'm pretty sure he didn't notice the nickname.

"Umm yea. A friend needs me." "ah oh okay. Have fun." "yea you too. Alif is gonna keep you company. Bye." "yea bye."

I literally ran out the house after that conversation which was by the way the most awkward conversation of my life.


I was packing my suitcase for the next 20 days. And it is taking longer than it should. At first my dad seemed a little hesitant when I told him about it. Cause it was just me and a dude but now he seems pretty relaxed, especially after meeting the dude.


Sitting on the couch of my balcony with a cigarette in my hand I was staring at....nothing. Today was overwhelming. Meeting Duaa's family was amazing. It was the best lunch I have had in my entire life. Not just the food but also the company. It was not what I expected but again I wasn't expecting anything.

They way they all were communicating with each other was something I never had nor something I saw growing apart but it was something I always needed. Growing up I had everything I wanted. Money, cars, girls, games...everything. But a happy family was what I needed the most.

When Duaa's parents called me son, I got goosebumps. It reminded me of that lady. Of that bitch who left me in front of my dad's apartment when I was six and told me I was the burden she could never handle and how much she regretted wasting all those years on me. How much she regretted not aborting me and pursuing her career.

After that day I have never seen her face. Never wanted to. I always hated her to my core and always will. She tried to contact me a lot. Sent birthday presents, expensive toys, letters for years. But she was dead to me. I threatened my dad to kill myself when I was seven if he lets that bitch meet me. Since then he never brought it up.

After coming back from her house I called my dad. I haven't talked to him since I got here. Even though there is no such problem among us, we don't really talk. There was always this invisible wall and it got even bigger and stronger over time.

Our conversation went normal. As if we talk everyday even though I heard his voice after a month. When I suggested we have lunch together he said he was always. When in reality he would be with his mistress.

That was enough to make me realise I have no one. No one close. My relationship with my grandpa is pretty formal. Maybe because I met him only once a year? For two days to be specific.

I need something strong. Something that will make me forget about my shitty ass family. Sky...I need her now. Only sex can take my mind off of these thoughts. Without thinking further I dialed her number, ignoring the notifications.


After praying Fajr I folded my praying mat and put it inside the luggage. It was 5 am which means I still have plenty of time considering the train leaves at 8:30. I checked my phone and Eryx still hasn't seen the text that I sent him last night

"I'm gonna come to pick u up at 7:30 am."

Why is he being a moron?

"Why would you expect him to text you in the first place? He is not exactly your friend." My brain snapped. Is it because he didn't like my family or the food? Did he lie the whole time? No no..he isn't like that. Even though I was convincing myself that was not the reason, deep down I thought it was.

Growing up as an immigrant was hard. Trying to blend in was hard. People were harsh. Kids were harsh. They made me feel insecure about my food, culture, skin colour, traditions and a lot other things. Even though I learnt not to care anymore, it doesn't mean it doesn't bother. Especially from the people I know. Or the one I thought I knew.

I shouldn't have become this friendly with him in the first place. All these chats, calling each other by nicknames, admiring him a little too much, inviting him was not professional at all. What was I thinking? I gotta get back on track.

I got ready as usual and put on a casual outfit. Beige sweatshirt with coffee brown pants and hijab. After putting on sunscreen, mascara and a bit of lip gloss I was on my way to Eryx's house to pick him up. The company car was taking us to the station.

I was in front of his house or should I say mansion. It was enormous and so elegant and so not my type. No wonder he felt suffocated in our apartment. Houses that are unnecessarily big....they freak me out. Sitting in the car I called Eryx. The first two times it went directly into voicemail.'s already 7:41. I can't believe this guy!

I called him again and thank god..he finally picked up. I was about to go inside his house. "Who's this?" So many questions ran through my mind at the same time but the most fundamental ones are: did he just wake up now? and why is his voice so deep and raspy?

"Are you out of your freaking mind, Eryx Ainsworth?" "oh brownie it's you.." "yes it's me, dum..Eryx! And damn you! Do you even remember that we gotta leave today?" "oh shit- completely slipped out of my mind." he was panicking. He was getting up, I could tell by the sound but then I heard a female voice asking him where he was going.

Of course, he forgot! He was busy going into her...Agh! I internally screamed and inhaled a deep breath.

"I'm in front of your house. You better come within 10 minutes or else I'm leaving. Without you." "are you shitti...." I hung up.

After exactly seven minutes I saw him coming. Wearing a grey hoodie and a pair of jeans. His hair is sticking to his forehead. Did he just take a shower? takes me more to just brush my teeth. He had no suitcases with him. Wtf...

"Good morning, brownie. How ya doin?" he smiled at me, deepening the dimple on his left cheek. But I was in no mood for a conversation. "Where are your bags?" he got in the car and suddenly the whole car was smelling fresh like him.  I don't know what kind of body spray he uses but I like it a lot because a lot of the guys use really strong body spray and I can't breathe around them. Alif, for example.

"I'm good too. thanks for asking, brownie." I held back the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm serious Eryx, where are your bags? We don't have much time." "What do you mean we don't have much time? Since when private jets need a specific time. Wait, lemme call the pilot." it's the time for bursting the bubble.

"No,stop. We aren't taking a private jet." "what? Why not?" "I booked us train tickets. So we are going by train that leaves at 8:30." "Now why would you book train tickets?" "because I can..?" He looks terrific "oh my god, you have never been on a train, have you?" "no, I haven't."

Rich spoiled brat.

"And about your first question. I used to spend my vacation in that apartment so I've got clothes there." I looked at him but didn't say anything

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