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The relationship we have is just professional. And it's always going to be like that. That phrase ran through my mind for the hundred times as I hit the punching bag harder this time. I don't even know what I was angry about. But I just was and that frustrated me even more.

And why would she even think there could be anything between us other than the professional relationship. She is not even my type. I could have any girls that I want. That kiss was just a random kiss. Even though I have thought about it almost every day and night. But that's just how a human brain proceeds. That doesn't make her special.

I mean of course our relationship was professional and it will always be like that. But why did she have to act like something other than professional between us, suffocated her. Even our friendship. Or the friendship I thought existed.

She genuinely thinks she's better than me because she's all responsible and doesn't screw around like me and she actually believes I'm not capable of these things. Well guess what, it's time to burst her bubble of misunderstandings.

Sweat ran through my hair, over my face, shoulders, chest but that didn't stop me. I was gonna need at least another hour at the gym.

A knock on the door made me stop as I looked over and there she was. I should just ignore her and continue doing what I was doing. But I couldn't. I just stared at her as she stared back. Looking as beautiful as always.

Don't say anything first. She is the one who came here. Let her talk. Don't say...

"You needed something?"


"Yea, actually I was wondering if you are done so I could use the gym for a while. I mean if you don't mind of course."

"Yea sure. I was about to leave anyway." no I wasn't. What happened to staying here for at least another hour?

She smiled at me. Freaking smiled! And before I knew I was walking towards the door to leave. As I was passing her jasmine scent made me stop for a second. I couldn't help but inhale deeply.

Entering the kitchen, I heated up a couple of waffles, topping it with whipped cream and blackberries as I didn't have anything since the morning except the protein shake I made at 8:30 am and now it was 11 am.

actually I was wondering if you are done so I could use the gym for a while.

Oh so now she doesn't even wanna be in the same place as me. How great. No one has ever made me feel this unwanted.


Another day passed like a bullet and we were back at work. We barely exchanged any words at home and at work we don't even see each other.

"Could you stamp me the international invoices? Thank you." I asked Kourtney before turning back to my monitor. "Are you already done with the ones I gave you before?" I nodded and she looked at me like she didn't believe me. Why the heck is everyone doubting me these days?

"Oh okay. I will get new invoices then. Meanwhile you can give the registered documents to Duaa." "no. I'll give them to her at the end of the day." I didn't wanna face her knowing she is knowingly ignoring me.


I was in my office with my computer until a knock on my door from Kourtney distracted me. "Helloww." She greeted me even though I barely could see her face as she was holding a bunch of papers over her face. "Hi." I replied shortly as I got to help her with the documents.

"Oh wow. You did a lot of work today I see." I said as I observed all the documents. "Nah. not really. It was all Eryx. I have been with Mr. Jane since the morning, handling the foreign clients." "Eryx? He did all this?" I asked again because I couldn't believe it.

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