A Shapeshifting at First Sight

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I was walking through the neighborhood. A casual day. Full of crazed people talking about whatever they could think of because they have nothing better to do with their lives. I sat on a bench glancing out at the glistening water wondering when my time for romance will come. Just then I see a huge pinkish red hawk fly past me. "That's weird, I've never seen a hawk that color before." It flew just above the water as it leaned it's wing down and made a wave with it. It flew back up towards me and I fell over. It had flew into me and knocked me over! "What the heck? I didn't think hawks were that strong!!" I said as I struggled to get up. Just then, I heard a female's voice speak. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! Are you alright Miss?" The female said as she helped me up. "Yea I'm alright, thanks. But why are you apologizing? It was the hawwwk-" I said as I dragged the last word of my sentence out while staring at her. She was absolutely beautiful. She had Red hair that was styled in a Chelsea haircut, freckles, deep red eyes, a bunch of ear piercings, and a knight-like outfit on. "Hey are you alright?" I heard as I snapped out of my transe. I hope she didn't notice I was staring at her! "Oh yea, Um sorry. But why are you apologizing? Wasn't it that hawk that-" I was cut off. "Ohh, that was uh..ok. Promise you won't freak out? I don't show many people this" she said getting quite serious. "Of course! I won't tell anyone!" I said reassuringly. She then morphed into a pinkish red-tinted hawk! The exact one I saw before! Then she shifted into a whale, after that she changed into a cat! "Wow! Your a shapeshifter?" I asked surprised. She turned back into her regular self by the time she got a chance to answer my question. "You like it? Not many people were a fond of my ability...By the way, The names Nimona" she said in a lower tone introducing herself while holding out a hand for me to shake." "Y/n L/n!" I said quickly shaking her hand back. "Y/n, that's a nice name" she said, I blushed like there was no tomorrow. "Say y/n, do you wanna come to Boldheart's place sometime and hang out with me? I work for him so I'm sure he'll have no problem with me bringing a friend over. She said the word friend in a questioning way as she smirked a bit, revealing her vampire-like K-9 teeth. "Wait, wait, you work for THE Ballister Boldheart?! That villain guy everyone's been talking about??" I asked "Yea..he's awesome" Nimona then smirked even wider as her eyes glowed a bright golden-yellow. She grew wings that sprouted from her back and a tail. She quickly scooped me up and flew into the sky, I screamed, not expecting this. "GAHH" I shrieked as I was lifted up from the ground into the air with Nimona carrying me. I hung onto her like my life depended on it and if I didn't then I would fall to my death. "So y/n, do you like Pizza? and do you like killing people?" Nimona asked me out of the blue. "Oh my gosh yes! I love them both! I mean I can't say I love killing people because I've never actually killed someone before, but hell they're some people who I'd sure love to kill!" I said realizing we had some things in common. She pulled me closer to her chest, making me blush as we flew high into the sky to Boldheart's lair.

𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 (Nimona X FEM Reader)Where stories live. Discover now