Finding out a Secret

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We then landed on flat ground as we arrived in the town. "Ok. Again, let me just clarify that we're not gonna kill anyone. But we do need to question someone that knows exactly what happened and knows that I didn't kill the queen." Said Ballister. "And then we get to kill him!" Nimona said as she jumped to conclusions. "No! Just..let's find him and interrogate him!" Ballister said. There were people everywhere, as usual. Ballister was hiding himself with his cloak due to the reason that people would be recognizing him as the "Queen Killer" we were going down an escalator. I saw pictures flash up on a screen to our right that had me, Nimona, and Ballister's faces on it that were labeled "WANTED" in big bold writing. Most likely due to them spotting us fly in the sky as they noticed Nimona shapeshift, and seeing that Ballister was with me and Nimona they had to put us up there as well. "Shit! We're wanted!" I said. Nimona didn't seem to notice the gravity of this and that it was bad, she just kept staring at the images while admiring them and thinking we were movie stars or something. I then noticed a man at the end of the escalator, checking people's faces. Oh no. This isn't good. He was going to figure out Ballister's true identity! "Nimona, do you see that guy-" I said as I was cut off. "Shhh, I've got this y/n." Nimona told me as she put her finger on my lips. This gave me chills. She then turned into Ballister as she started wrecking Havoc, drawing the attention away from the real Ballister. "What is she doing?" Ballister asked me. "Cmon! Let's get out while we still can." I said as I grabbed his hand. We got to a train station and saw Nimona already there, as she turned back into her regular self as I signaled her to get on with us. We were about to get on the train but I accidentally slipped on a slice of pizza that was on the ground. I braced myself and closed my eyes, preparing myself for a rough impact onto the train until I felt a pair of arms catch me, I looked up and it was no other than Nimona. "Heh..thanks" I said while blushing, a bit embarrassed knowing that she had just witnessed my clumsiness. "Don't mention it." Nimona said as she picked me up bridal style and carried me onto the train.

Time Skip; 6 mins:

We approached our destination but we were welcomed by the knights that were after us. "AHH!" I yelped as I pulled both Ballister and Nimona down to the floor level, under the window so that they wouldn't see us. "Do you think they saw us?" Ballister asked. Nimona then peaked out the window as the whole army of knights pointed lasers at her. I then yanked her down to my level once again before she could get hurt. "Yes" she replied to Ballister. A bomb was then thrown into the train with us, it exploded into a foggy green mist. "Go, go, go" we heard one of the knights say as they all started storming in to the train. "Crap, we're fucked!" I said under my breath.  "Here we go again!" Nimona said as she shifted into a gorilla and scooped me and Ballister on her back as we managed to escape through the roof. "Did Goldenloin see you do the thing?" Ballister asked Nimona as we ran through the roof. "Seriously? That guy cut off her arm, and your worried about being seen with me?" Nimona asked angrily. Ballister then pointed to a man with blonde hair annoying someone by ringing a service bell. That was the man we had to question! "We've got to get him out of here, quietly." Ballister said as Nimona thumped her chest loudly. "Not like that" Ballister stoped Nimona from taking a step further as she turned back into herself. I have had enough with Ballister's bull crap. "You want her to shift, then you don't want her to shift. Pick a lane!" I said as I saw Nimona turn into a little boy. "And now she's a boy." Ballister said. "I am today.." Nimona said as moon walked backwards into the busy town. "Wait, no!" Ballister said as he accidentally bumped into someone. "Hey, chill dude. Nimona knows what she's doing." I said as I stopped Ballister in his tracks while admiring her ambition. A bunch of wanted posters of Ballister started popping up everywhere around Ballister, making him even more fearful and making him hide his face into his cloak. Ballister hopped in a random car as I stayed outside watching Nimona do her act from a distance. I was surprised at how good her acting skills were! I don't think she's ever even taken a class! She's just a natural! Nimona then convinced the man to go into a fake, creepy alley with her cute, puppy eyes. "Excuse me Mr Squire, sir. I can't find my mommy. She went to that scary alley over there. Can you help me find her? Please?" Nimona asked in a baby voice giving him the classic puppy eye stare that I'm pretty sure no one on this entire earth can resist. The man started frantically looking around. " Let me go ahead and pass this problem onto someone else." He said. Nimona then had a devilish grin on her face as she said "THERE'S NO TIME" the man then screamed while dropping his groceries. I laughed in reflex of his reaction. I watched the blonde man run around like a maniac while screaming. "HELP ME! HELP ME! A LITTLE DEMON BABY IS AFTER ME!" I heard him say to random bystanders as he ran around the town like a complete drunk. I followed them, making sure he wouldn't see me. I couldn't miss out on this, the guy's a moron! Nimona then floated towards him as he squealed. Once Nimona cornered him, he attempted to punch her in the face but she dug her sharp teeth into his fist, I couldn't help but laugh. People were staring at me like I was a lunatic but I didn't care. I just like dark humor. Nimona then dragged the man by his feet as he threw a bunch of objects at her, but she was unaffected by his attempts. He then threw a pizza slice as her with pineapples on it. "Pineapple on pizza? Bleah!" Nimona said as she made a gagging reference while dropping the pizza slice. "Uh oh" Nimona said as she had realized the man had gotten away and all she was holding was his shoe. The man laughed as he managed to get a away but was hit by a car that was being driven by...Ballister ? He slammed into a bunch of boxes and passed out as me and Nimona came out. "Aww why did u get to kill him?" Nimona said to Ballister as she kicked the man's leg. "He's not dead!-I hope." Ballister said as we picked up the man, Ballister holding his arms, Nimona holding his legs, and me holding his torso. "It's the queen killer!" "He's working with a demon baby! And a young girl!" I heard people say. "Ballister stop!" I heard another voice say in the background, it was Goldenloin. Nimona was too busy jumping on the truck trying to fit the man into it to even notice. "Nimona, let's go!" I said as I grabbed her while she was still in her baby form and hopped in the car. There was a lady in our seat, terrified at the scene that was being unraveled in front of her eyes. "We'll take it" Nimona said as me and her looked at eachother and threw the lady out of the car. Ballister got into the driver's seat and we flew off, as arrows were being spiked at the back of the car. The car was covered in arrows as it started to smoke from the front part. Something probably got broken down due to the impact of the sudden attack. We then parked into a tunnel. Ready to interrogate this jerk. Nimona was then out of her baby form. "Oh! Yep! I like it. We're gonna shake this dude down in this sketchy part of town." Nimona said proudly as she put her arm around my waist and bowed me down beside her, as if we were dancing.

𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 (Nimona X FEM Reader)Where stories live. Discover now