Exposing the Director and Clearing Ballister's Name

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We made it to the Director's place as me and Nimona beat the living crap out of her guards. I have to say, We make a pretty good team! "They were like this when we got here." Nimona said as she dropped one of the guards and kicked them. "You two" the Director said as she looked at me and Nimona in Disgust. "Us" I said back in the same disgusted tone towards her. "Ambrosius, the director killed the queen!" Ballister said. The director called us liars until Ballister told them we have proof. We were about to play the video just as the Director said. "He's got a weapon!" And the phone was shot down to the ground. Ugh! I told him he should've just uploaded the video! But he had to show it to Ambrosius, he just fucking had to. The phone was completely totaled. "You bitch!" I said as I lost my temper and almost attacked the Director as Ballister held me back. Knights then surrounded us, shining spotlights on us "it doesn't matter! You shouldn't need proof! You know I'm not a murderer!" Ballister told Ambrosius. "Hurry, before the whale gets here!" I heard one of the knights say referring to Nimona. They've messed with the wrong girls, I thought to myself. "Cmon man!" Nimona said to Ambrosius, "do the right thing!" I added while getting a little excited, knowing that I had just finished her sentence! "Who is she Bal?" Ambrosius asked Ballister, referring to Nimona. "What is she?" Ambrosius said as he switched the way he asked he question. His lack of manners towards a lady pissed me off. "Ambrosius, I am begging you to trust me!" Ballister said just as Ambrosius struck a sword towards him, ready to strike. "Arrest them" he said while still keeping the sword pointed towards Ballister. The knights started to surround us more then they already were. "You wanna know the kid is?" Ballister asked. "Oh I like where this is going!" Nimona said as me and her were getting ready to fight these fuckers. "You wanna show em?" Ballister asked Nimona. "Yea!" She said getting more hyped. "Let's break stuff." I said, ready to fight at any moment. "Metal" I heard Nimona whisper to herself as her eyes glowed, and she flew into the air while turning into a gorilla! She roared in Ambrosius's and the director's face and booped him on the nose as a finishing touch. Me and Ballister continued to fight the other knights while Nimona did her thing, I used a sword I found on the ground. Nimona took down all those knights like a pro with her shapeshifting abilities, biting ones as she turned into a fox, and running across all of their faces as if they were a race track as she turned into an Ostrich, knocking them all out. Ambrosius seemed very confused and stunned and Nimona's shape shifting ability, almost frightened by her, it seemed. Nimona then shifted into a horse as me and Ballister hopped on her. "Do you see a way out of here?" I asked Nimona. "Of horse I do" she said as a pun, because she was in the form of a horse. "Okay that was terrible" said Ballister. "We're going over, aren't we?" Ballister asked Nimona as we started to prepare ourselves for a fall. I remember this hyped feeling of falling whenever I went on rollercoasters when I was younger, but this time, we were actually falling. "Yup! The only way out is down!" Nimona said as she jumped off the cliff with us on her back while still in her horse form. "Why are we always..FALLING??" I said as we fell. She then shifted into her regular self as she grew wings from her back and glided through the wind. Then she turned into a gorilla as she slid down the edge of the building. She then ended the grand finale by turning into a whale and ate the falling but remaining knights that tried to get us. "Haha that was super gross!" Ballister said. "I know!" Nimona said as we continued to run. We continued to fight on ground level. I heard Ambrosius and Ballister sword fighting, and overheard Ambrosius call Nimona a monster. I lost it. I ran over to him and started sword fighting him. "Don't you dare call her that!! She is not a monster! She's nice, kind, sweet, ambitious, loving, and beautiful! If anything you and that stupid Director are the monsters!!" I told him as I pinned him down by the hair using my sword. Ballister pulled me away from him. "I'll take it form here, y/n." I was pissed off. Nimona came running by us in her otter form yelling. "That guy just peed his armor, he peed his armor!" I couldn't help but laugh as I continued to fight off the rest of the knights. She was hilarious and can make you laugh at whatever time or place, even when we were litterally fighting for our lives. One of the knights then took Ballister and tossed him up against a stand. I ran over to him attempting to help him up as Nimona then noticed what was going on and went to stop them. She turned into a rhino as I followed but the knights started tazing her down with green lasers. "STOP!! ALL OF YOU STOP!" I said frantically trying to get these people to stop tazing  Nimona down like she was a crazed lunatic escapee. She didn't deserve this...at all. She shapeshifted into different forms desperately trying to break out of the lasers. She then broke out of the lasers and turned into a cereal mascot, Kwispy and started spraying a massive amount of the cereal out of her mouth onto all the knights knocking them out one by one. A car then tumbled out of the distance almost hitting a little girl. Nimona put her tail up and stopped the car from tumbling, blocking her from getting hit. The girl looked terrified. Nimona then turned into a little girl, the younger version of herself while trying to calm the girl down but she held up a sword to her and mumbled the words; "monster" this broke Nimona, I could tell by the look on her face. "Monster attack, monster attack, immediate shelter" echoed in the background as well. The little girl's mother then took her away. I can't believe how brainwashed this society has become. Nimona is not a monster. But I don't think she acknowledges how beautiful and unique she is. Ballister then zoomed in out of no where on a motorcycle and grabbed me, we drove towards Nimona as he grabbed her on too, getting us away from the chaos. Nimona broke through the door as we came back to the lair. "What's wrong?" Ballister asked, not having an idea on why she was acting like this. I knew what was wrong but I really didn't want to bother her about it since I knew she probably didn't wanna talk about it. "Hey I'm just trying to help!" Ballister said. "I don't need your help!" Nimona said as she flipped a table over. "Ballister just stop! How would you like it if someone called you a monster? Huh?" I asked, lashing out at him. "Did you see the way that little girl looked at her? Kids. Little kids. They grow up believing that they could be a hero if they drive a Sword into the heart of anything different. And she's the monster?" I said. "I don't know what's scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart...or that sometimes...I just wanna let 'em" Nimona said. These words broke me to the core. I couldn't bare hearing Nimona say this. "Nimona, People are just gonna be people. You can't change nature. They won't ever accept anything that's even just a little bit different no matter how hard you try or what you do. Trust me. I've been through it." I told her. She started to cry as I cried with her. Ballister then came over to both of us and pulled us in a hug. After a while, we broke from the hug and Ballister got serious. "Listen, you were right about everything! The institute, the wall, Ambrosius. No matter what we do we can't change the way people see us." Ballister said. "You changed the way you see me." Nimona stated. "We can't let the director get away with this!" I said. Nimona had a great idea to pretend to be Ambrosius so that we could get proof that the Director killed the queen. Nimona shapeshifter into Ambrosius and we got to the Director's place and We burst through the door, Nimona in the form of Ambrosius and me and Ballister posing as two other knights in knight uniforms we found it the coorodores. "We need to talk! Alone!" Nimona said as she barged in.

Time skip; a bit later after some boring talking:

The queen actually stabbed Ambrosius (Nimona). Nimona went over the top dramatic as she rolled across the table and then "died" with her tounge sticking out. The Director then admitted to what she had done. "So, yes, I framed Ballister. I killed the queen." Me and Ballister then came out of our knight costumes and revealed ourselves to the Director as he showed her the recording me and him had captured of her admitting to her crime. "I can't wait for the kingdom to see this!" Ballister said. "MY SIDEKICK BUDDY'S ACTING THO, LADIES AND GENTS GIVE A ROUND OF APLAUSE!" I said as I started cheering loudly for Nimona's acting skills. "Was my acting okay? I was a little worried that my last "ehh" was too over the top" Nimona asked me as she turned back into herself. "You were pretty dramatic but that doesn't change the fact that you were freaking awesome!" I said. "If your looking for feedback, it was a little dramatic." Ballister said. Nimona then grew wings and picked up me and Ballister as we flew back to the lair.
We did it! We got the recording of the Director admitting to the murder of the queen! This is it! Now we just have to upload it! "Oh my gosh Nimona this is great! I could kiss you!" I said to Nimona, not realizing at all what I was saying due to how happy I was that we finally had proof. "Wait, really?" She asked in shock, referring to the kissing part. "Oh, I uh-" I was saved by Ballister breaking the awkwardness again. "How about we play a board game and order some pizza to celebrate?" He asked both of us. "Yea!" Nimona said in agreement while I nodded uncontrollably trying to get out of this awkward situation that I had gotten myself into.

𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 (Nimona X FEM Reader)Where stories live. Discover now