I love you. Please Come Back

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After about 20 minutes since Ballister left, he came back, Nimona was still on the couch next to me asleep. Nimona then woke up, almost on cue as she was awoken by Ballister coming in. "Oh I have not slept like that in forever!" Nimona said in a sleepy, grouchy voice as she stretched her arms upwards. Almost knocking me in the face while doing so, not knowing I was right next to her. "Why do you have your cloak on?" Nimona asked Ballister while taking the cover off of her legs. Ballister slammed a scroll down on the table. It was off some sort of black, foggy looking creature wrecking havoc, And inside the creature was a little girl, resembling what the creature actually was. She had long red hair and glowing eyes..wait..no, that can't be..Nimona? "Is this you?" Ballister asked Nimona intensely. "Where did you get that? Who have you been talking-" Nimona said as she was cut off by Ballister. "Tell me this isn't you." Ballister said to Nimona. "You think that she would do that? That that's who she is?" I asked Ballister while standing up from the couch. "I don't know." Ballister said while looking away. "Your the one who told me not to trust anybody, question everything-" Ballister said to Nimona as he was seemingly growing angrier. "That's right! Even now, with this, think about everything we have been through together! Me, you, y/n!" Nimona said. "I'm thinking about everything we've done together! Stolen cars, kidnapping people, manipulated people." Ballister said naming off all the things we've done together as a trio. "I was helping you!" Nimona said to Ballister. "You were using me! You wanted them to see me as a villain! Someone else to hate so you wouldn't be alone." Ballister barked at Nimona. She didn't respond, she seemed very hurt by his words. Even I was shocked to see Ballister behave in such a way, what did Ambrosius tell him?! "Because your not my sidekick, maybe y/n is, but your not!" Your a m-" Ballister was about to say as he cut himself off, knowing what he was about to say. "Ballister Boldheart, I swear to Gloreth if you call her a monster you'll never see the light of day again!" I screamed at him. "No y/n, I wanna hear him say it. What? I'm a what??" Nimona asked Ballister, growing angrier. "You know what you are." Ballister responded in a calmer tone, signaling that he was finished with this conversation. "No, I wanna hear you say it!" Said Nimona through clenched teeth. "Come on, say it!" Nimona barked. "SAY IT!" Nimona said, growing impatient as she flipped over the couch that was next to us. "SAY THAT IM A MONS-" Nimona yelled as she grew an enormous hunched back and glowing eyes, I tried calming her down by rubbing my hand on her back before she could do anything. Ballister had his hand on his sword, ready to pull it out and strike her. Nimona then turned back into her regular self as she saw the sword. "I can't believe you" I yelled-whispered towards Ballister. "I-" Ballister started but he was soon cut off by the sounds of knights telling each to her to surround the place, green light illuminated the room from the windows as a figure walked through the door. "Nimona, come on! We have to get you out of here!" I said as she turned into a mouse and I scooped her up in my hands. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran through the fence and through the woods with her in my hands until she jumped out and started running beside me and she shape shifted into a fox while she jumped over high bushes and ran through the many trees and jumped over the river, I was surprised I was even keeping up with her. We ran through all the dead trees that seemed like arms trying to grab us in the full light of dusk in the forest. We kept running until we sensed no sign of civilization. We stopped to catch our breath as we made it to an old Well that was covered in vines and moss. It looked like it was over a thousand years old. "Y/n, do you mind if I tell you something?" Nimona asked me while in an almost broken voice. "Of course Nimona, what's up?" I said as I moved closer to her. "I've always been a misfit. Trying to fit in. Whatever form I was in, a bird, a deer, a fish. Even those species didn't accept me. But one day I met a girl named Gloreth, me and her became best friends. We used to run through the farms, go for long walks through the forest, go rock jumping over a river, fake sword fight with sticks, and sleep under large trees together. One day I showed her my shape shifting abilities, she seemed a little frightened at first but she accepted me and didn't mind that I was a shapeshifter even the slightest bit. We then started to play together as we always did, like howling at the moon together as I turned into a wolf. But one day the villagers noticed this, they came at me only with torches and pitchforks. Gloreth's parents convinced her that she was a monster and she unfortunately believed them. People poked me with pitchforks and sticks. I tried to fight back but it was no use. Everytime I tried to fight back or defend myself they only thought of me more as a monster." Nimona paused as she started to imbody this, as if she was still in the situation. I had to pull her down and snap her out of it before she went into shock. Gloreth stuck her sword up to me while saying "go back to the shadows from once you came" those words still ring in my head today" Nimona said as she started crying. Nimona started hyperventilating as black smog started coming from her face. "Nimona??" I asked trying to shake her out of it. She only screamed and turned into a black creature. The transformation was so extraordinary that it blew me to the ground as I got knocked against a tree. "Nimona.." I said as I passed out. I woke up not too soon after only to see Nimona wrecking havoc through the town. These people don't get it! They're creating the monster! It's not Nimona that's the monster, they're creating the monster in Nimona by saying all this hurtful bull crap! I need to stop her, before it's too late. They'll take her down in a heart beat. "Nimona!!" I started yelling non stop as I ran from the forest into the town coming her way. I saw Ambrosius watching me run towards her. He had noticed me and tried to stop me. "Y/n! Stop!" He yelled as he ran over me and tackled me to the ground. "Let me go!" I yelled as I tried to squirm out of his grasp. "No! I can't let you! That monster will kill you!" He said. "She is not a monster!! I yelled while building up the strength to push him off of me. "You see what I just did? That strength was build up by anger, from what you say about Nimona! That's exactly what's going on with her! Nimona is not a monster! But all you assholes are calling her that and making her think she's something she's not by treating her like shit just because she's different! You people are creating the monster! Your all the monsters!" I yelled at Ambrosius before I ran full speed towards Nimona, dodging through everything she was destroying and knocking over. Nimona then started walking towards the end of the bridge as the knights started to shoot her down to the ground!! I had to get to her and fast! I kept on running. I cried my eyes out as I heard her roar. One big one shot her down as she crashed up against a screen and landed on the ground, people started throwing rocks at her! This terrible. "NIMONA!" I cried out as I started to approach her almost on the edge of passing out due to how much and how fast I was running. Nimona was getting up to her feet as I noticed what she was about to do, I can't let her do this!! She was about to kill herself by striking her heart into the sword of the statue of Gloreth! I climbed up the statue and reached the sword. I don't know how I managed to get up there in time but somehow I did. She let out a scream combined with a roar as she was about to let herself land on the edge of the sword, I put my hand up to her, stopping her before she could take another step closer to the edge of the sword taking her own life. She then looked down at me as I still had my hand on her heart. "I see you, Nimona. And your not alone. You are not a monster. Being different doesn't make you a monster, even though people try to convince you that you are. You are not a monster!! Only the people who judge us are." I said as I finished my "speech" The black smog started to shrink until Nimona was her regular self again. She was all beat up and bruised. I hated to see her like this. She stumbled trying to walk towards me and almost fell until I caught her before she could. And held her close to my chest. "I love you, Nimona" I said as I held her close. She wrapped her arms around me and we embraced. We then let go and looked at each other. I was about to lean in and kiss her as we both jumped at the sound of a cannon being fired. It was coming from the institute! We heard an alarm sound as we looked down to see everyone evacuating the town. "That guns gonna kill everyone" I said in realization. "Hey y/n" Nimona said to me while still staring out into the distance at the institute. I turned to look at her. "Be right back. I'm gonna go break some stuff!" Nimona said as she was about to jump off of the sword. "Wait Nimona, you could get killed-" I said as she cut me off. "It's time to rewrite this story." Nimona said. "Nimona, NIMONA!" I yelled to Nimona as I was about to grab her, I was too late. She jumped off the sword as she shifted into a dragon just before she could hit the ground as she glided among the people who were still in the town square. She's gonna get killed! I can't bare to lose her! Ballister had made it up on the sword with me just as she took off. We watched in fear as she flew towards the institute.

A bright light took over the whole city as we looked away from it in reflex.
"NIMONAAA—" I screamed as I fell to my knees. Watching her get blown up by the laser that the Director has fired at her. "No, no Nimona this can't be happening. She can't be gone. I love her. No!" I said as I went into shock. There was fog everywhere. Ballister managed to drag me off the statue and get us both on a horse as we rode over to where it had happened. "Nimona" I cried out in a weak voice. All we saw were little stars falling from where she had gotten killed. One of the stars landed in my hand as it faded away like a snowflake melting in my hand. "Please..come back" I said towards the sky. Nimona's gone. Me and Ballister both fell to the ground as we grieved. I can't believe e she's gone. The people from the town surrounded us. I built up the courage to get up on my feet and face these people who killed my love.
(West Side Story reference):

"Stay back." I said loudly making sure everyone heard. "All of you! You all killed her. Not with pitch forks and torches, but with hate! Well now I should kill all of you, because now I have hate!" I said as I fell to my knees crying. Ballister comforted me and we went back to the lair. I didn't sleep or eat for days, the only word that murmured in my mind was; "Nimona Nimona Nimona Nimona" over and over again. It was haunting me. Ballister suggested that I'd go to the memorial with him to get me out of the lair and get some fresh air.
Everyone loved me, Ballister, and Nimona and we were claimed heroes! I even got the opportunity to become a knight in the same field as Ballister! Nothing could take away the pain I felt for the loss of Nimona though, nothing could. When we got to town, We looked around the memorial area to see paintings, photos and flowers put up for Nimona. The kids were so sweet. We went back to the lair and glanced as all the old pictures we used to take together. Me and Nimona. We then heard banging on the door that led to outside which alarmed me and Ballister. We both swing over from the chains that were hanging from the ceiling and opened the door only to find no one there. "Probably just another case of a ding dong ditcher." I said as I was about to walk alway, I turned my head towards the living room only to see..NIMONA?

𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 (Nimona X FEM Reader)Where stories live. Discover now