Meeting Ballister Boldheart

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We arrived to Boldheart's lair, it reeked of garbadge and dead rats that Nimona showed evident to liking it. "I'm home Boss! And I've brought a visitor!" Nimona said as she sang the word "visitor" reffering to me. I looked into the darkness to see a scruffy looking man come out. He was tall with dark hair, a short beard, and even had a mechanical right arm! "Ballister, this is y/n, y/n l/n! And y/n this is Ballister!" Nimona said introducing me to him. "Nice to meet you y/n, I'm Ballister Boldheart." He said while holding out a hand for me to shake. "Nice to meet you too Ballister! Should I call you Ballister or Mr Boldheart?" I questioned while shaking his hand back "Ballister is fine." He replied. "Can y/n be your other sidekick along side me? And my sidekick buddy?" Asked Nimona with puppy eyes. "Sure it won't hurt to have another you like to call it, Nimona." Ballister said to Nimona. Nimona hugged Y/n, y/n blushed and hugged back. "So...who are we gonna kill today boss?" Nimona questioned jumping up and down like a 5 year old that's about to get a new toy. She was adorable like this. "Nimona, what is up with you and killing people?! We're not gonna kill someone everyday!" Said Ballister seemingly annoyed by Nimona's sudden eagerness. "We just need to question this squire guy." Said Ballister. "Let's get a move on then!!" Nimona said as she shapeshifted into a dragon and signaled me and Ballister to get on her back. Me and Ballister hopped on her. Just then, before I could blink, Nimona took off and I could feel myself getting lifted up higher and higher into the air, getting an inch more above the ground every second until we were among the clouds.

Sorry his chapter was sorta short! I'll be sure to make the following chapters longer! :)

𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 (Nimona X FEM Reader)Where stories live. Discover now