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roseanne - 15 years old

16 years old - jennie

"Oh, hello, fair maiden! What art doth doing in this fine morning?" Jennie greets brightly when Roseanne opens the door to her house. "Come on in, Nini." Roseanne steps away and let Jennie in the house before locks it back.

"Oh, Jen! Good to see you." claims Roseanne's mother- Clare. "Mrs. Park! Wonderful morning to you!" Jennie bows dramatically causing the old lady to laugh. "Jen. How many times have I told you? Call me Clare."

"Sir, yes Sir!" Jennie salutes. Roseanne smiles at her best friend's antics, "Come on, let's go to my room." she tugs the brunette's hand gently and went up the stairs. "I'll be up soon with some snacks!" Mrs. Park shouted from downstairs.

"Thanks, mum!" Roseanne shouts back and close the door to her room. Jennie throw herself on the bed immediately and sighing softly at the softness. "Come here." Jennie said patting the spot next to her.

Roseanne sat down at the spot only to be pulled down and hugged by Jennie. "Nini?" Jennie groans and snuggle deeper into Roseanne. "That god awful nickname." Roseanne embrace Jennie back, acting as the big spoon.

"You don't like it?" She asks and Jennie's head was immediately lifted from Roseanne's crook of neck. "No, I love it." Jennie presses her lips on Roseanne's cheek. Jennie gazes into Roseanne's eyes and rubs her cheek affectionately.

"It's from you, how could I not love it?"

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