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roseanne - 17 years old

18 years old - jennie

Roseanne had to be treated in the hospital because of her heart condition. Her heart had worsen and the doctor said that it's best to find a heart transplant for her.

"Hey, you're awake." Jennie noticed, immediately standing up to grab a glass of water. "Here let me help." She places a couple of pillows behind Roseanne's head for support. The brunette gently places the rim of the glass filled with water to the blonde's lip. "Drink up."

Roseanne gulped down half the water from the glass before pushing it away gently. Jennie understood and places it on the bedside table. "How are you feeling?" asked Jennie, voice soft and thumbs gently rubbing Roseanne's left hand back and forth soothingly.

"Fine." Roseanne answered croakily. "Do you need me to get the doctor?" Jennie questioned, concerned. Roseanne shook her head, "Just want you."

Jennie smiles softly, "Get better soon, Rosie." she kissed her on the cheek. Roseanne pale cheeks turn slightly pink. Jennie chuckles lightly. "Wanna watch Tangled?"

Roseanne nods enthusiastically. "Alright." Jennie stood up to grab the remote control, "There." The movie Tangled showed up on the TV screen. "Thanks, Nini." Jennie smiled.

"Anything for you, Rosie."

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